
My Time has Run Out

  Welp. Here it is. Last week.  I am so excited to be done writing emails. Or at least until I get to college and my career and have to write professional ones.  Our companionship unity is off the charts. Power of communication is real. Talk and resolve your problems, people!  These week has been really good. I'm still working hard, and now have one day of missionary work left. I'm leaving so many of my friends here in San Antonio, but now it's time to make some new ones I'll be getting off the plane this Thursday at 12:30pm at the Boise Airport. If anyone wants to pull up, I'd love to see y'all. I know this church is true. That knowledge (and it has become knowledge at this point) comes from the Spirit that I've felt from the Book of Mormon, from the message of the Restoration, from D&C, from modern prophets, from ancient prophets, from priesthood power and blessings, from sacred covenants I've made, from the temple, from understanding the plan of S

Wedding Crashers

  Hey everyone!! We had an awesome week. The highlight of it all was on Thursday I received a message that there was going to be a wedding and a baptism for one of my friends that I taught for four transfers. It was a part member family and they had a big desire to be sealed as a family. However due to some legal stuff, they didn't get married. BUT THEN, in this message they said it was actually going to happen!! And Nicole wanted me to baptize her.  A week before, one of my old companions (Elder Scott) was on an exchange in the area and he was super bold with them and asked if they want to be baptized when I'm still in the mission. They said of course! And he was like, "Well he has 2.5 weeks left" So y'all need to be baptized and married THIS week so Elder Higginson can come. And they were like, "Okay, let's do it." So, two days after this text, I got to go to a wedding, I dressed in white, and baptized Nicole. It was so special. My old companion El

A Demon? Seriously?

  Crazy week, This week we gave a blessing to a couple elders who had a run in with more than an evil spirit. They cast it out and was a huge testimony builder for them but they were a little shaken up. I won't go into detail.  What was special though, was 3 days earlier a sister wasn't feeling super good and wanted a blessing. Me and my companion didn't feel as prepared to give a blessing as we would like because our conversations weren't the most dignified, or inviting of the Spirit that morning. Another Elder gave the blessing. Afterward, we talked and promised each other that we would be prepared to use the priesthood of God by inviting the Spirit in word, thought, and action.  Because of that, when we gave those Elders blessings, it was by the full power of God that we were worthy to wield. God saw ahead and was preparing us for this experience.  Spiritual thought:  Also had an awesome exchange with Elder Banta. He's been out for about 5 months and is so awesom

"Here...hold this decoration."

"Here...hold this decoration."  ....this is a quote from Elder Blake after he played 1 vs. 2 in basketball with an 8 and 13-year-old boys. He won, lol and we share a quick message and told them to ask their parents to message us so we can meet. To finish, he said, "Aye, wanna take a picture? Here, hold this decoration." AND THEN ELDER BLAKE HANDS THE KID A BOOK OF MORMON. I literally died inside, lol. The kid was just cheezing (smiling) so big, holding the Book of Mormon, haha.  • We played pro ball with two Latinos on a basketball court, and we won 16-14. Because we won, we got to share a message with them. One of them seems cool, so we'll see.  • We put our friend, Arlin who's in basic training, on date for August 1st!! He's going to get baptized in this tiny window of time where he can be off base. His friend Jesse also might get baptized by then ,but he said for sure in tech school. It's hard cause we only have 5 lessons to teach them everything

Our boys got baptized!

  Woah, it's been a WHIRLWIND. Totally forgot to put in our last email that our two friends Scotty and Jackson got baptized!! It was an adventure trying to get them ready in time but they both got baptized and confirmed! Reallyyy cool and they were so excited. They both have longer hair and when they got out of the water and shook their heads epically, splashing the little kids by the glass. So hype. Jackson was put on date like that week too. We knew we were going to get him in the water from the beginning, but he did cut it close.  Me and Elder Blake get along so well. It's been awesome, I'm loving it. We just stay up talking in bed, or singing, or playing the ukulele, and honestly, we have been getting not NEARLY as much sleep as we are supposed to. I working on it and the lunch naps help, haha.  Our friend Keyn pulled up to church and had an awesome experience. He's 15 and pretty mature honestly. He wanted to bear his testimony but had a lot of anxiety about it. But

Final Transfer...

  Well, my companion who came out with me just finished his mission. He did soooo good with finishing out strong. I'm just trying to follow his example.  Getting a new comp! It's Elder Blake from Spanish Fork. Apparently he's hung out with my cousin Elder Clements before. WHICH IS LEGENDARY. He also sings.  Spiritual Thought: My companion has the Spiritual gift of diligence. It was really cool to see him truly work and have so much drive to work hard. He was all about finding and teaching and baptizing. He would let nothing stop him or bring him down. And as we worked together, we saw results. That is how you change your area, how you change your attitude, how you change your life. But one important aspect that is necessary for that, is diligently using the Atonement of Jesus Christ through diligent prayer, diligent study, and a diligent attitude to apply what you learn.