Our boys got baptized!

 Woah, it's been a WHIRLWIND. Totally forgot to put in our last email that our two friends Scotty and Jackson got baptized!! It was an adventure trying to get them ready in time but they both got baptized and confirmed! Reallyyy cool and they were so excited. They both have longer hair and when they got out of the water and shook their heads epically, splashing the little kids by the glass. So hype. Jackson was put on date like that week too. We knew we were going to get him in the water from the beginning, but he did cut it close. 

Me and Elder Blake get along so well. It's been awesome, I'm loving it. We just stay up talking in bed, or singing, or playing the ukulele, and honestly, we have been getting not NEARLY as much sleep as we are supposed to. I working on it and the lunch naps help, haha. 

Our friend Keyn pulled up to church and had an awesome experience. He's 15 and pretty mature honestly. He wanted to bear his testimony but had a lot of anxiety about it. But I said I'd go with him, so he went. He was shaking up there beside me but did awesome and introduced himself saying that he'll be back and is trying to go to church more. Sooooo COOL! And then he got mega fellowshipped. 

Our car almost ran out of gas....again. Engine sputtering and died once, but we said a mighty prayer and it started again, and we made it the last 2 hundred feet #godisgreat

On base we invited two of our friends who came to church to be baptized. They have been reading the Book of Mormon and are recognizing the Spirit in their lives. 

My temple recommend expired in June, and on July 3rd, we were up at the temple to do baptisms for the dead with our recent convert named Rogers.

And I found out at the front desk!! (A sign I've been out for a little bit, haha) Lucky President Fitzgerald interviewed me over the phone right there on the temple grounds. It was quite beautiful sitting there, thinking about the importance of worthiness and what we should be worthy of. It's one thing to have an active temple recommend. It's another to use it. 

So many people are missing out on blessings that they are totally worthy to receive. Which is so sad!! The blessings of the temple are immense! Just listening to our prophet really puts those blessings into perspective and what we can and will receive IF we choose to use what we are worthy of. 

Same thing goes for asking for a priesthood blessing. You can totally receive divine help, yet people have too much pride to ask. God said, "Ask and ye shall receive." SO ASK Y'ALL!

Hurrah for Israel!!


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