A Demon? Seriously?

 Crazy week, This week we gave a blessing to a couple elders who had a run in with more than an evil spirit. They cast it out and was a huge testimony builder for them but they were a little shaken up. I won't go into detail. 

What was special though, was 3 days earlier a sister wasn't feeling super good and wanted a blessing. Me and my companion didn't feel as prepared to give a blessing as we would like because our conversations weren't the most dignified, or inviting of the Spirit that morning. Another Elder gave the blessing. Afterward, we talked and promised each other that we would be prepared to use the priesthood of God by inviting the Spirit in word, thought, and action. 

Because of that, when we gave those Elders blessings, it was by the full power of God that we were worthy to wield. God saw ahead and was preparing us for this experience. 

Spiritual thought: 
Also had an awesome exchange with Elder Banta. He's been out for about 5 months and is so awesome. We had a great exchange and we also feel the Spirit the same way!! Super cool. He's in tune with it far earlier than I was in my mission. He shared when he was focusing on Christlike attributes. One each week, and using his full mind and body to follow it, and from that, the Spirit was with him far more. Why? Because he was actively using the Atonement of Jesus Christ to change. And we can ALWAYS change to become more like Jesus Christ. And his Spirit will attend to those who use Christ's gift. 


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