My Time has Run Out

 Welp. Here it is. Last week. 

I am so excited to be done writing emails. Or at least until I get to college and my career and have to write professional ones. 

Our companionship unity is off the charts. Power of communication is real. Talk and resolve your problems, people! 

These week has been really good. I'm still working hard, and now have one day of missionary work left. I'm leaving so many of my friends here in San Antonio, but now it's time to make some new ones

I'll be getting off the plane this Thursday at 12:30pm at the Boise Airport. If anyone wants to pull up, I'd love to see y'all.

I know this church is true. That knowledge (and it has become knowledge at this point) comes from the Spirit that I've felt from the Book of Mormon, from the message of the Restoration, from D&C, from modern prophets, from ancient prophets, from priesthood power and blessings, from sacred covenants I've made, from the temple, from understanding the plan of Salvation, from the Sacrament, from bearing my testimony, from hearing the testimonies of others, from prayer, from utilizing the fullness of the Gospel, from sacred music, from fasting, from tithing, from family history work, from eternal family sealings, from baptism, from the obvious Great Apostasy, from keeping the commandments, and most importantly i feel the Spirit from using the Atonement of Jesus Christ to change and become clean. It really is true, isn't it? Hurrah, hurrah for Israel!!

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

- Elder Higginson


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