"Here...hold this decoration."

"Here...hold this decoration." ....this is a quote from Elder Blake after he played 1 vs. 2 in basketball with an 8 and 13-year-old boys. He won, lol and we share a quick message and told them to ask their parents to message us so we can meet. To finish, he said, "Aye, wanna take a picture? Here, hold this decoration." AND THEN ELDER BLAKE HANDS THE KID A BOOK OF MORMON. I literally died inside, lol. The kid was just cheezing (smiling) so big, holding the Book of Mormon, haha. 

• We played pro ball with two Latinos on a basketball court, and we won 16-14. Because we won, we got to share a message with them. One of them seems cool, so we'll see. 

• We put our friend, Arlin who's in basic training, on date for August 1st!! He's going to get baptized in this tiny window of time where he can be off base. His friend Jesse also might get baptized by then ,but he said for sure in tech school.
It's hard cause we only have 5 lessons to teach them everything anddd have the baptismal interview. 

• this is super cool, but Elder Blake is the first person I've met who feels the councils with the Spirit the same way I do. It is just a really cool witness to myself that I'm not alone in how the Spirit speaks to me. 

Spiritual thought
• I had my final interview with President Fitzgerald. He said he usually asks missionaries what they are going to do to stay active, but he said for me, he wanted to change the question and ask "why are you not going to go innactive?" I told him I have too much faith in Jesus Christ from too many answered questions. Too many spiritual experiences bearing my testimony. Too many changes within myself becoming a better person.  Too much hope and peace from prayers. Too much joy from repentance. All of these together, at this point, are too much to stop me from doing the things He wants me to.



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