Wedding Crashers

 Hey everyone!! We had an awesome week.

The highlight of it all was on Thursday I received a message that there was going to be a wedding and a baptism for one of my friends that I taught for four transfers. It was a part member family and they had a big desire to be sealed as a family. However due to some legal stuff, they didn't get married. BUT THEN, in this message they said it was actually going to happen!! And Nicole wanted me to baptize her. 

A week before, one of my old companions (Elder Scott) was on an exchange in the area and he was super bold with them and asked if they want to be baptized when I'm still in the mission. They said of course! And he was like, "Well he has 2.5 weeks left" So y'all need to be baptized and married THIS week so Elder Higginson can come. And they were like, "Okay, let's do it."

So, two days after this text, I got to go to a wedding, I dressed in white, and baptized Nicole. It was so special. My old companion Elder Scott was there two. So awesome. Best way to finish off a mission. 

Spiritual Thought:
We have been focusing on how to help people be more committed to baptismal dates. One thing that was thought of was teaching temple sealings earlier. We took this to the test as we had a first lesson with a media referral family. 

And it was EPIC. It was so sweet as we taught the importance of families and how we are serving two years to help families be together forever. The spirit was super strong and they were crying. They said they really want that.

We told them they need to be worthy to enter into the temple and to do that, you need to make preparatory covenants through baptism and asked if they wanted to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized. They said yes! Way cool.

Keeping the temple as the focus for our lives is super important. As you do so, the windows of heaven will be opening on your behalf. Thus we see temple covenants are the most important things we can ever achieve in this life. 

Hurrah for Israel!!

-Elder Higginson


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