Final Transfer...

 Well, my companion who came out with me just finished his mission. He did soooo good with finishing out strong. I'm just trying to follow his example. 

Getting a new comp! It's Elder Blake from Spanish Fork. Apparently he's hung out with my cousin Elder Clements before. WHICH IS LEGENDARY. He also sings. 

Spiritual Thought:
My companion has the Spiritual gift of diligence. It was really cool to see him truly work and have so much drive to work hard. He was all about finding and teaching and baptizing. He would let nothing stop him or bring him down. And as we worked together, we saw results. That is how you change your area, how you change your attitude, how you change your life. But one important aspect that is necessary for that, is diligently using the Atonement of Jesus Christ through diligent prayer, diligent study, and a diligent attitude to apply what you learn. 


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