
Showing posts from August, 2023

The Blind Leading the Deaf

  So, funny enough. Well, we had an absolutely Banger past few days. I'm leaving super busy, we are getting people out of nowhere who want to talk with us and be baptized. It's so bizarre. I feel like we're not doing the work for these people cuz they're just falling into our lap. The first story is of our friend Charlene. She called us on Sunday requesting information about an ASL ward in San Antonio. We had no idea which Ward was the assigned ward, so we said we would get back to her. On Wednesday, we found out that the ASL Ward is actually one of the wars we cover, which is awesome. So we call her up, and let her know the information. She's like oh, I actually live in those boundaries! Also, I'm not a member! Also, I met with the missionaries for a year from Salt Lake! Also, I know the Book of Mormon is true! Also, I have a daughter who turns eight September 1st, and I want her to be baptized with me! Also, can we be baptized October 7th!? Also that day is my

Burning in My Bosom

  GEEZ WHAT A WEEK. LIKE WUT THE HECK. TOP TIER So goooood. If y'all remember my last email, I talked about our friend Nick who had a church tour loaded with doctrine, and then he came to church. Well, 2 days after church, we have our second lesson.... and HOLY MOLY!! SPIRIT THERE. BURNING OF THE BOSOM. So we have a lesson at the church, he hits it off with our member about work, we follow up with him reading 2 Nephi 31. He's like yeah! And he talked to us about baptism and asked if it needed to be saved. So we explained the doctrine of it all and the place repentance and baptism have in God's plan. He asked what steps you need to take to be baptized. And I'm like!! Cause I already know where this lesson might be going. Anyways.... We read Mosiah 18 together and it spoke of the covenant of baptism and comforting those who stand in need of comfort, etc. (Also is like, what say you against being baptized, lol), and we talked about how we get the Spirit. Our member talked


  Hahaha SO! The week blew by cause BOY are we are getting busier every day. Like bruh, things are starting to conflict darn it!! Media referrals are also coming in as well. Like BIG TIME.  First off, I had a pleasant exchange with an Elder, and the poor Elder just gets so sleepy sometimes. We were responding to some texts in the car before a stop-by, and he legit was struggling to confirm my texts. His head just kept bobbing, lol. So to wake him up and asked him to say the prayer for our stop by. And as he says the prayer, he suddenly just stopped randomly, and I look over after a few seconds. And this Elder is OUT. And his arms were still crossed. Very funnyyy, so i decided to be slightly disobedient and take a picture of him with my phone while he was sleeping so I could capture the memory forever, hahaha.  Then on Thursday, we get a notification that we got a meeting referral! This is around 9:30 p.m., so y'all already know that it's not Pros time. But that doesn't stop

Fast Sunday

I'm just going to start out by saying that if you put in the work, the Lord sees it. These past few weeks, the ward has been really complimentary toward us just for the fact that we are getting out and doing the work. That the past decent amount of missionaries have just been going through the motions, and they're seeing that we are actually going beyond that and doing our best. And it's super cool to see that the trust is really high. So for all missionaries who have this email, remember to do all you can to build that member trust. Love the members and invite them. Invite them to grow and invite them to change but most importantly, invite them to gather Israel. This fast Sunday, we invited a few people to bear their testimonies in sacrament meeting. Just to share a simple testimony what they know to be true, and they did it! And some of them were people who hadn't born their testimony in a good while, and each time someone would go up, me and Elder Lenick would do a f


  Howdy, y'all! Had a great week. First, we had transfers. It was pretty average, I'm staying here with my companion, as District leader. There is one sister in the district that is training which is super fun, so there will be three trainees in the district overall, haha. Should be quite amusing! I can't wait till they give their first trainings, haha. Then comes the title of this email! Basically this week we received a meteor referral from facebook. A man had clicked on it, and when we texted and called him he was like yeah y'all can meet with me on Saturday! So we were like, we can do that, haha. Then we go over and meet him. And his name is too confusing to pronounce so he goes by his last name. And he is from Cameroon Africa! He was a chemistry teacher there before he fled to the country because of political unrest and war. And he's like yeah I have a friend from New York who's a part of your church, and I really like everything that y'all stand, for y