
 Howdy, y'all! Had a great week.

First, we had transfers. It was pretty average, I'm staying here with my companion, as District leader. There is one sister in the district that is training which is super fun, so there will be three trainees in the district overall, haha. Should be quite amusing! I can't wait till they give their first trainings, haha.

Then comes the title of this email! Basically this week we received a meteor referral from facebook. A man had clicked on it, and when we texted and called him he was like yeah y'all can meet with me on Saturday! So we were like, we can do that, haha. Then we go over and meet him. And his name is too confusing to pronounce so he goes by his last name. And he is from Cameroon Africa! He was a chemistry teacher there before he fled to the country because of political unrest and war. And he's like yeah I have a friend from New York who's a part of your church, and I really like everything that y'all stand, for y'all's mission, y'all's purpose, and how you focus on your relationship with Jesus Christ and with God. And we were like heck yeah! We taught him the restoration and gave him the Book of Mormon that had a testimony in it and then invited him to church the next day! He said he didn't have a ride and we said no problem, There are some members that live literally 40 seconds away so they'd love to take you. Then he pulls up to church. And we're like Let's Go! Except we had one concern.... it was the fifth Sunday of the month meaning that we might have an out-of-pocket lesson. We get to the adult class, and it's on temples and family history, and we're like, well hopefully he doesn't think we're crazy! But he liked it a lot! He had a lot of questions, but his most pressing question was how do I go inside the temple. A member asked him if he remembered those two young men he had met on Saturday, and he said yes. And the member said they are the key, haha. He also asked what he thought about everything you learned. And our friend said he thinks it's true! The member asked why, and our friend said that's just the feeling he's been getting. So we're super pumped!!

We also have the really cool opportunity to teach fifth Sunday for the Youth! We went over everything about a missionary. Our purpose, the highs and lows, the importance of loving, sharing, and inviting people, how God is the one who calls us on missions, how we're called to the work, and what it means to be a successful missionary. And that's something I want to talk about. Being a successful missionary. That for missionaries and members alike, our success is in our efforts, our desire, and our commitment. If we are trying and we have a strong desire to help others come into Christ, then we are doing everything that God wants us to do. You are everything God needs you to be, and God could not be prouder of you. But yes, it's amazing when your friends say yes when you invite them to do something, and they do it, but their Choice does not determine whether I'm successful or not. So for y'all back home, and in your efforts to love, share, and invite, remember that all you need is a desire and being committed to doing something about that desire.

Also, I've been meeting with the foreign exchange student from the Dominican Republic, and she's come to church twice in a row! She's super fun, and she has a really great understanding of falling in the spirit. So we're excited for her to start reading the Book of Mormon! 

Anyways this is all, 

Elder Higginson signing out.

Hurrah for Israel!


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