Fast Sunday

I'm just going to start out by saying that if you put in the work, the Lord sees it. These past few weeks, the ward has been really complimentary toward us just for the fact that we are getting out and doing the work. That the past decent amount of missionaries have just been going through the motions, and they're seeing that we are actually going beyond that and doing our best. And it's super cool to see that the trust is really high. So for all missionaries who have this email, remember to do all you can to build that member trust. Love the members and invite them. Invite them to grow and invite them to change but most importantly, invite them to gather Israel.

This fast Sunday, we invited a few people to bear their testimonies in sacrament meeting. Just to share a simple testimony what they know to be true, and they did it! And some of them were people who hadn't born their testimony in a good while, and each time someone would go up, me and Elder Lenick would do a fist pump, and we were sitting by our super cool member who is a convert and just getting reactivated. Elder Lenick elbowed him, and he's like hey, you should bear your testimony! And he was like, okay. And he just walks up! Now I'm thinking, we've invited a bunch of people to bear to their testimonies, it would be silly if I didn't bear my own. So I go up and sit by our super cool number. And he tells me that he is so glad that my companion nudged and invited him to bear's testimony. That very morning, he had been praying for the courage to bear his testimony, and he wasn't really thinking he was going to do it. But when my companion nudged him and invited him, it was an answer to that prayer he had said that morning. And in his testimony, he spoke to the congregation, saying that he hadn't shared his testimony in 5 years. I think it was a super amazing experience for my companion to just understand what it means to be in tune with the Spirit and why we're always seeking it. Why we strive to be obedient and to follow the rules and all the safeguards, because those little promptings even to just nudge someone to go share their testimony jokingly, can be a prompting from God to help them and answer their prayers.

So that's my invitation for y'all! To seek after that spirit. Elder Lenick told me that he had felt no distinct prompting to nudge that member the bear his testimony, he simply did it because it felt right. It wasn't some Grand spiritual experience for him, but it was for the member. So as members and missionaries, do all you can to have that Spirit to be with you because if we don't, those little promptings are going to go unnoticed, unheard, and God's will will go unsatisfied. So don't let that happen! Seek the Spirit, through prayer, reading scriptures, going to church and partaking the sacrament, having family home evening, watching appropriate media, going to the temple, magnifying your callings, and remembering to love God. If you do these things, you will have the spirit of God with you. 
Hurrah for Israel!!

Also check out the last photo. It's lit, lol. (My comp is blind if y'all forgot)

Elder Higginson


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