
 Hahaha SO! The week blew by cause BOY are we are getting busier every day. Like bruh, things are starting to conflict darn it!! Media referrals are also coming in as well. Like BIG TIME. 

First off, I had a pleasant exchange with an Elder, and the poor Elder just gets so sleepy sometimes. We were responding to some texts in the car before a stop-by, and he legit was struggling to confirm my texts. His head just kept bobbing, lol. So to wake him up and asked him to say the prayer for our stop by. And as he says the prayer, he suddenly just stopped randomly, and I look over after a few seconds. And this Elder is OUT. And his arms were still crossed. Very funnyyy, so i decided to be slightly disobedient and take a picture of him with my phone while he was sleeping so I could capture the memory forever, hahaha. 

Then on Thursday, we get a notification that we got a meeting referral! This is around 9:30 p.m., so y'all already know that it's not Pros time. But that doesn't stop me from sending the introduction text for our media referral, saying that we're available to talk in a few minutes. We get a text back, and he's free for the next hour. We give him a call, and he turns out to be a super cool guy that's 25 years old and looking for a church. We set up a church tour in two days time. 2 days later, we pull up to this church door with a member and proceed to teach him the doctrine of the Kingdom. We shared a lot! Too much, actually in my opinion, but we scraped by. We invite him to read the introduction and to come to church the next day. One day passes, and we're at church, and this brother pulls up in a snazzy Hawaiian shirt and jeans. Man, he was looking clean, LOL. We have sacrament meeting, but he doesn't partake of the sacrament. I tell him it's okay to take it, but he said he doesn't want to disrespect the ordinance by not fully understanding what he was doing. I tell him that I'll tell him after church about the sacrament. But it turns out! That I didn't have to! Because the next two talks of sacrament meeting preceded to be the most eloquent simple edifying fire talks on the sacrament, and how it draws us closer to the Savior that I have ever heard. The spirit was so strong, and it was such a tender Mercy for me and my friend. Legit! And then, we proceeded to have the most Angelic Ward choir seeing a beautiful song, full of harmonies and spirit. It was just straight testifying to our souls. The church members also were just fellowshipping the heck out of him, it was so cool.

After church, we asked him if he had read the introduction of the Book of Mormon, which he had brought to church lol, and he's like yeah I have a question, and turns to the testimony of Joseph Smith and says, " yeah, so why does the angel Moroni repeat himself three times?" We were like, " did you read the testimonies too?" And he's like yeah! And we were just so pleased, because that never happens. He also wanted to know more about how we can live with God again, so we said we talked about that next time we meet with him and refer them to read 2 Nephi 31. Which is the most fire chapter on the gospel of Jesus Christ ever. So we are excited to meet with him again!

Anyways, this week has been legit. Oh, only got 365 days left of the mission, so that's cool. 

For a spiritual thought, I would just like to Echo what our friend did concerning the sacrament. He wanted to truly understand it and why he was taking it before he did so. And with us, when we take the sacrament, if we're not focused and distracted, the significance and power of the sacrament is wasted. And we truly understand what we're doing, the sacrament has the power to change us. Change our attitude, our behavior, our spirits. It can change our countenance, and change us to be more like Jesus Christ. It is a beautiful gift that allows us to become clean and be worthy to have the Spirit to be with us. I can think of No Greater gift than having the Spirit leading and guiding us. It helps us choose the right, avoid temptation, gives us hope and comfort, gives us strength, and Witnesses of Truth. And it's that witness that gives us a testimony and builds our foundation on Jesus Christ. That when the winds and storms of the adversary do come, we shall not fall. So basically, there are a lot of blessings that come from understanding and using the power of the sacrament. So remember to do so this week and every week. Don't lose focus on what matters most:) 
Hurrah for Israel!!

Elder Higginson 

-here's the pic of the sleepy Elder:)


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