Burning in My Bosom


So goooood. If y'all remember my last email, I talked about our friend Nick who had a church tour loaded with doctrine, and then he came to church. Well, 2 days after church, we have our second lesson.... and HOLY MOLY!! SPIRIT THERE. BURNING OF THE BOSOM. So we have a lesson at the church, he hits it off with our member about work, we follow up with him reading 2 Nephi 31. He's like yeah! And he talked to us about baptism and asked if it needed to be saved. So we explained the doctrine of it all and the place repentance and baptism have in God's plan. He asked what steps you need to take to be baptized. And I'm like!! Cause I already know where this lesson might be going. Anyways....
We read Mosiah 18 together and it spoke of the covenant of baptism and comforting those who stand in need of comfort, etc. (Also is like, what say you against being baptized, lol), and we talked about how we get the Spirit. Our member talked about his conversion story and coming to see a change in him becoming who he always wanted to be. 

Then Nick goes into story mode and told us how he's been going to lots of different churches for MONTHS. And how the moment he met us and came to church, he feels different. That his outlook on life and perspective has changed and he feels better. But with this new view, he now recognizes a heavy burden that he doesn't know if its there recently or if its always been there and didn't notice. 

So we absolutely PULL UP Matthew 11. And were like YAH. Your burden you've been carrying does not need to be there.  It is relieved and made light when we yoke ourselves to Christ by making covenants. And BAM we extend the invitation and put him on date for September 16th!

And y'all, I have a favor....can y'all when reading this just say a little prayer for Nick? Like right now. He's probably got a lot of evil spirits battling him....

Anyways with the rest of the week, we met an awesome lady named Lilian. Met with her 3 times this week, and she came to church! She also is noticing more peace since meeting with us, and when she read Moroni 9 on her own, she felt a feeling that was hard to describe, but it was a good feeling. We testified that it was the Spirit, and so yeah, we are hyped:) We'll get her on date soon, hopefully

Spiritual thought: Don't be a scrub. When you feel it in your gut to do something. Do it. If you hesitate, you might miss it. Might miss out on showing your love to God or understand what the Spirit Feels like. You are ALWAYS receiving revelation. The Spirit doesn't take a day off. He is ALWAYS WORKING ON YOU. ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE BAPTIZED. SO LISTEN AND PAY ATTENTION. CAUSE ITS GOING TO BE YOUR OWN THOUGHTS WHERE THE SPIRIT IS SPEAKING

Love y'all so much. Hurrah for Israel!!

-Elder Higginson 


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