The Blind Leading the Deaf

 So, funny enough. Well, we had an absolutely Banger past few days. I'm leaving super busy, we are getting people out of nowhere who want to talk with us and be baptized. It's so bizarre. I feel like we're not doing the work for these people cuz they're just falling into our lap.

The first story is of our friend Charlene. She called us on Sunday requesting information about an ASL ward in San Antonio. We had no idea which Ward was the assigned ward, so we said we would get back to her. On Wednesday, we found out that the ASL Ward is actually one of the wars we cover, which is awesome. So we call her up, and let her know the information. She's like oh, I actually live in those boundaries! Also, I'm not a member! Also, I met with the missionaries for a year from Salt Lake! Also, I know the Book of Mormon is true! Also, I have a daughter who turns eight September 1st, and I want her to be baptized with me! Also, can we be baptized October 7th!? Also that day is my birthday so it's extra special for me! Also, I'm deaf! Also, I have two kids, and they both are deaf! Also, I'm really good at reading lips, so I can communicate with y'all just fine, but my kids can't.

Our minds were just boggled completely. We did not know what to do. We were like, okay! We can make that happen. We message our mission president and we got everything sorted out so hopefully we'll be able to baptize her on her birthday! Really really crazy, she's kind of interesting and calls us every single day and just wants to talk to us a lot, but we will get her dunked hopefully!

Then we were able to meet with our friend Lily a few times this week. One time was at a member's house. She is so cool, and we invited her to pray about being baptized and a couple days ago when we met with her, she said she got her answer! That she wants to be baptized, so we set her on date for September 30th! We're going to have to change that because of General Conference. But we are super excited! She also wants her husband to start coming to church with her, so hopefully we can get him on board as well!

There has been a saying that's been going around our zone, that if you talk about baptism, people get baptized! We have all been trying to talk about baptism, or the covenants we make at baptism, in every lesson. With this added understanding, I've been thinking about covenants a lot more. The covenants I make at baptism and at the temple. Covenants have so much power! It's through them that we can access the atonement of Jesus Christ more fully and access the Miracles of God more extensively and abundantly in our lives. There are so many amazing blessings that come from honoring and keeping our Covenants. Because it's through them that God can bless us as much as we, ourselves, allow. That we have His Spirit, but only for the worthy! So stay worthy y'all, and honor those covenants:)

Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Higginson


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