
Showing posts from October, 2022

Street Preachers

I've found the secret of a great mission is a great attitude. Got to find a way to love every part! Get rejected for 3 hours straight and not share a single message? Well, I'm just proving to God that I am a faithful servant and that He can trust me to put forth my best effort for Him. That's something that is also awesome about a mission. You KNOW God is proud of you. You don't have to second guess if you're putting forth enough effort for Him cause you are!  This week we found a tonn of people! Well, at least for our area, haha. It twas 11 people. Though half of them might not progress. But still some gems in there! And we have had some POWERFUL lessons. Like the spirit is just THERE. It fills the room, and you just have it flow through you into the hearts of those you're teaching. That's another thing about being a missionary. You're a middleman between the spirit and the people you are teaching.  We were biking to a lesson on Friday, and we ran into

Destiny? I've been expecting your call

Had another awesome week, haha! Gave myself another spectacular haircut as well soooo....extra money for food. But yeah! Still learning TONS. Mostly just continually going over the Preach My Gospel lessons, and like shoot, I learn so much to use for teaching others. For the missionaries who read this, y'all got to focus on those simple truths in the lessons rather than going deep into doctrine. Hahaha, I've found it quite hard not to get drawn into the super interesting church history, doctrine, and revelations. But it's worth it, cause having a really solid understanding of what your teaching rather than a decent understanding makes a huge impact on the people I teach.  Getting better at listening to the spirit! Lately, I've seen it in my emotions. One day we knocked on a ton of doors with no luck, but there was a lady who said she couldn't right now but said she liked our ties. And we were like, when are you free? And she said anytime after 4. Now typically, when

"Missionary Tips" for a Nine-year-old Boy

Howdy once again!! I have learned that attitude is everything on a mission. If you have a good attitude, it just makes life awesome. The other day someone tried to throw a plastic bottle at us while we were riding our bikes (their aim was pretty bad lol). Yet all I could do was laugh and smile. Makes biking a lot more fun. Gotta dodge the bottles and insults, haha.  There was a super cute moment that happened this week. We were having a member meal, and we didn't prepare a lesson beforehand. But the family was very sweet, and there was a nine-year-old boy who was just precious. Anywho, my companion totally was like, "Would y'all like to hear a message?" And then pointedly looked at me. So I was like, welp, gotta think of something on the spot now. So I started talking and asking questions about faith and its power. And just bore witness of it and was like, actually, there's a great scripture about faith in Ether. And the boy was like, "Can I grab my scripture

Crashing Bikes and Saving Souls

Howdy Y'all!! Well, Texas is still going amazing. I LOVE my mission. And there are so many great things that I get to be a part of. What truly makes me love my mission, though, is seeing the spirit fill these people we talk to. Their eyes light up and man, it is so cool seeing them understand and get excited about this amazing message I get to offer them. And if any of yall are planning on serving a mission, seeing that makes it allll worth it, and I've only been out a transfer.  This week I've been working really hard on my teaching. I had an exchange with my district leader and learned so much! Like writing down questions to make people think and be involved with their own understanding and learning. The best question I've found is: "How have you come to know that the Bible is true and the word of God?" Cause then you follow up with, "Okay, apply that to reading the Book of Mormon. Also, praying about the BoM is great, but they still need to read read r

What the....Idaho???

Howdy, Y'all! Well, I've had another banger week! Man praying for FAITH has power. Found a lot of people this week, and we are filling up a lot more time with lessons. Also didn't even get a flat tire this week, so I'm pretty sure I'm being looked over cause we got some ghetto areas that have a lot of um....debris haha. And other stuff.... Also found out why everyone loves Texas!! And it's literally the FACT that people love Texas that makes them love it. It really doesn't have much that's special other than a bunch of Texas brand stuff that people buy because they love Texas so much. Very confusing. Oh, and there is something about not paying taxes for something as well, but I can't really remember, hahaha. But it unites the state! And there are Texas flags literally everywhere. Apparently, there is also a clause or something that means Texas can withdraw from the United States if they get enough votes or something, but I don't know if that'