Street Preachers

I've found the secret of a great mission is a great attitude. Got to find a way to love every part! Get rejected for 3 hours straight and not share a single message? Well, I'm just proving to God that I am a faithful servant and that He can trust me to put forth my best effort for Him. That's something that is also awesome about a mission. You KNOW God is proud of you. You don't have to second guess if you're putting forth enough effort for Him cause you are! 

This week we found a tonn of people! Well, at least for our area, haha. It twas 11 people. Though half of them might not progress. But still some gems in there! And we have had some POWERFUL lessons. Like the spirit is just THERE. It fills the room, and you just have it flow through you into the hearts of those you're teaching. That's another thing about being a missionary. You're a middleman between the spirit and the people you are teaching. 

We were biking to a lesson on Friday, and we ran into some street preachers! It was a busy intersection, and they had big speakers and everything. They were like, "There is a lot of evil in this world!" And then we looked over at us on our bikes and got fired up saying, "We got Jehovah's Witnesses knocking on your door to LEAD YOU ASTRAY!!" And he proceeded to yell for the next minute about some Bible verse on christ and in my mind, I couldn't help but think that he was such an uneducated fellow. But bless his sweet judgmental heart anyway! 

Actually, that happens a lot here. People always think we are Jehovah's  Witnesses. We'll be knocking doors, and people open up, *gasp* and say, "Are y'all Jehovah's Witnesses?!" And we are like, "nope!" Now I'm not at all bugged by this, but I I really look like a Jehovah's Witness? If so, then....well, huh. Guess I don't blame them, haha. It's funny cause there is a decent population of them here, though, so they probably do just as much knocking as we do. I was talking to a member once, and he was like, "Yeah, I totally talked to them! After a few minutes, I offered them a Book of Mormon, and they were like, ' thanks!' and they left, haha."

We also had our Ward Fall Festival this week! We had 4 of our friends show up, and I got to meet and make relationships with a lot of members. The members were also super sweet and would give us candy. Our costumes were even pretty LEGIT. I think we pulled off two clean-cut missionaries pretty well. After all, we have had a decent amount of practice;) 

Also I kinda....uhhhh....crashed. Again. Yup, I know. Prettyyyyy embarrassing, but okay, this time wasn't my fault! There was a downhill curvy sidewalk that had water running down it, so I slowed down thinking, "Pffff, I'll slow down, but I ain't stopping for no puddles." Anywho the problem was there was a thin layer of slick mud underneath the water. So here I am, just going about doing the Lord's work, and suddenly my bike goes to the side, skidding down toward the ground. And AGAIN, I was protected! (After all, me and the Spirit are homies) I found footing on the ground for both my feet while the bike was sliding and found myself standing with the bike on the ground behind me. I got only a little banged up! The only thing that hurt was a single toe, and you know a flipping toe ain't going stop me from grinding out God's work!
Happy Halloween y'all!! Thanks for the birthday wishes as well! I appreciate it big time. Makes me feel extra loved, haha. After Nov 2, I'll only have one more birthday on the mission, which is weird, haha. 

Anywho, Hurrah for Israel!!

Elder Higginson 

Only got a couple this time:
-kindaaaa a cool book.....(you should read it more)
-sweet decorations


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