"Missionary Tips" for a Nine-year-old Boy

Howdy once again!!

I have learned that attitude is everything on a mission. If you have a good attitude, it just makes life awesome. The other day someone tried to throw a plastic bottle at us while we were riding our bikes (their aim was pretty bad lol). Yet all I could do was laugh and smile. Makes biking a lot more fun. Gotta dodge the bottles and insults, haha. 

There was a super cute moment that happened this week. We were having a member meal, and we didn't prepare a lesson beforehand. But the family was very sweet, and there was a nine-year-old boy who was just precious. Anywho, my companion totally was like, "Would y'all like to hear a message?" And then pointedly looked at me. So I was like, welp, gotta think of something on the spot now. So I started talking and asking questions about faith and its power. And just bore witness of it and was like, actually, there's a great scripture about faith in Ether. And the boy was like, "Can I grab my scriptures?!" And I was like, "of course!!" So I had him read the verse and invited them to look for ways to share and act on their faith every day. And the 9-year-old boy took out a journal and wrote "Missionary Tips" and wrote down my words about faith! And it just touched my heart cause here was this young impressionable boy who was taking notes on my impromptu lesson so that he could read and remember them later. In my mind, I'm thinking that I'm just a lanky, 18-year-old boy, but that boy thought the world of me. And it was humbling to be thought of in that way. (Low key felt what it must be like to be a general authority with people taking notes of what you say, haha)

Also, church got canceled right when it started! There was an electrical issue that might have caused a small fire or at least the smell of fire, so we all had to leave so the fire department could come and check it out. It was a bit sad, though cause the primary program got moved to next week and we worked hard to get two of our friends a ride, and it was canceled. So kinda tough, especially cause they need to come to church so they can be baptized by their date. But we'll make sure they make it next week, haha. 

I also have been given the SIM card for this transfer, and I really want to do a better job of getting members to join us. But it's weirdly mentally draining doing so much texting and responding and whatnot. But it's working, and we're getting the members more involved in missionary work and showing them we are working hard. 

Met someone from the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Pretty interesting, sadly we didn't get to talk long. Thought there were very few of them left, haha. 

Bought eggs at the store today. Jeez I'm gonna have to make a change in my typical breakfast cause HOLY MOLY. The price goes up by two bucks every couple of weeks since I've bought them. I'm sure y'all are very much aware tho. 

But I love y'all so much!! Keep building those testimonies!! (Literally, though, actual miracles come from it).
Hurrah for Israel!!!

Elder Higginson

-Outside the church when it was evacuated
-The squad after going out tracting on Happiness road. Set a goal for finding 3 people in 40 minutes. Goal met
-A fun pano that makes my comps bike and him look very disproportionate 
-And the heavens were opened? 


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