Destiny? I've been expecting your call

Had another awesome week, haha! Gave myself another spectacular haircut as well soooo....extra money for food. But yeah! Still learning TONS. Mostly just continually going over the Preach My Gospel lessons, and like shoot, I learn so much to use for teaching others. For the missionaries who read this, y'all got to focus on those simple truths in the lessons rather than going deep into doctrine. Hahaha, I've found it quite hard not to get drawn into the super interesting church history, doctrine, and revelations. But it's worth it, cause having a really solid understanding of what your teaching rather than a decent understanding makes a huge impact on the people I teach. 

Getting better at listening to the spirit! Lately, I've seen it in my emotions. One day we knocked on a ton of doors with no luck, but there was a lady who said she couldn't right now but said she liked our ties. And we were like, when are you free? And she said anytime after 4. Now typically, when people say that, they don't really want to talk with us cause they don't actually give a definite time and are just looking for ways to stop talking to us. And afterward, I was like should we put a contact for her? And my comp was like, " I'm not going to." But Idk, I just felt good about it, so I thought, you know what, I will. And then, we had a lesson with our friend that was never confirmed, so we were not sure if we should still stop by to see him. I gave him a call, but no answer. My companion suggested we say a prayer, so we did. And during it, I felt very at peace with giving him another call and uneasy about stopping by. I just went with that feeling and gave him another call. And he answered he was coughing a ton and he was super sick, apparently. So we had the opportunity to say a prayer for him over the phone and didn't waste our time going to visit him! And suddenly our evening was more free and so we stopped by that one lady who complimented us, cuz I was like--hey we should stop by there. And she was home! And she wasn't busy at all and she enjoyed talking to us. We got to know her a little better and built a little connection, and she wanted to hear more! It just felt like DESTINY.

Another story of me hearing the Spirit was when I was riding my bike. And I saw a guy at a bus stop, and he didn't look super sketchy, but I was wondering if I should give him a card of Jesus. And then I just had an uneasy feeling and thought, no, I'll pass this time. And then we passed him, and I gave him a wave, but he didn't wave back. My companion and I stopped at a road sign just right past him, and my companion said, "that guy just yelled at me and said he was going to kick him off his bike!" So I got a prompting to avoid someone who could have been dangerous, and I just think it's so cool that I was able to recognize that.

I also had a super fun dream about the second coming! I was out with my cousin in Utah Valley area, and we were on the street looking to find people to teach, and suddenly the sky just got super cloudy and dark. And I got a super uneasy feeling, and I was talking to Sam saying, "what's going on?" And he says, "I don't know!" And then I saw two smoke columns in the distance from something burning, I guess. Then the smoke became red with fire, and suddenly tornadoes and pillars of fire were coming down from the sky and causing destruction everywhere. one was headed right for us! But it dissipated when it reached us (cuz we were faithful, obviously). After that everyone just started heading towards Salt Lake City Temple, and when I saw it, it was super beautiful, and it had a glowing atmosphere. And then everyone went together, and we all went out as missionaries to preach to the world! So a pretty neat dream, haha!

Lastly, we had the primary program this week! And it was so awesome. We had four of our friends come, and our friend Randy was just beaming the whole time listening to these kids bear their testimonies and sing songs. He just loved it so much, and hopefully he'll come to realize that this is the true church. He kept saying the spirit was so strong and the church was beautiful. Which I thought was funny because it was one of the older buildings that is, well, functional, haha. But it was super awesome, and all of our friends loved it. I wish the primary program happened twice or three times a year.
Anyhow, hurrah for Israel!

Elder Higginson 

*got to do service for our pal randy and help with his long horn cattle!-
*haha I love eating with these members. They have lots of pets.
*a train/grill combo


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