What the....Idaho???

Howdy, Y'all!

Well, I've had another banger week! Man praying for FAITH has power. Found a lot of people this week, and we are filling up a lot more time with lessons. Also didn't even get a flat tire this week, so I'm pretty sure I'm being looked over cause we got some ghetto areas that have a lot of um....debris haha. And other stuff....

Also found out why everyone loves Texas!! And it's literally the FACT that people love Texas that makes them love it. It really doesn't have much that's special other than a bunch of Texas brand stuff that people buy because they love Texas so much. Very confusing. Oh, and there is something about not paying taxes for something as well, but I can't really remember, hahaha. But it unites the state! And there are Texas flags literally everywhere. Apparently, there is also a clause or something that means Texas can withdraw from the United States if they get enough votes or something, but I don't know if that's true or not.

Also, the reason for the title is that the humidity is gone. I feel like we aren't in Texas anymore. We just walked out of our apartment one day, and we were like, "Wooooah, it's cooler outside than inside." Which is CRAZY to say. It still gets pretty dang hot in the afternoon, but like it's been feeling a ton more dry. Reminds me of home.

Oh and no need for applause, butttttt....I may or may not have become proficient at giving myself full haircuts in the mirror. Which is a big money saver, haha. I guess I'll let y'all be the judge, haha (using scissors in the mirror is like the most disoriented thing ever as well) 

Now conference was sweeeeeet!!! So good, like I prepared questions and then got answers for them and a bunch of questions answered I didn't think to ask! The missionary talks were my favorite. And then President Nelson dropped the mic on abuse. His other talk about overcoming the world was also crazy good. I've actually set a goal to listen to a talk a day till next conference so I'll be able to soak in all that wisdom the speakers had to offer. Also, the blessing that president Nelson gave was so powerful. Like dang, WOAH. 

We got to watch it with a few of our friends, and they loved it so hopefully their testimonies have grown. Cause I know MINE has!! Especially how your highest priority should be your testimony and EXPECTING miracles. Cause they will come. 100%. You just gotta look for them, and I know that to be true. I've SEEN it. So continue working on it, growing it, and sharing it y'all! 

Fav quote was ,"You don't need a badge to bear his name." So for all y'all out there listening, I add my challenge to the speakers at conference. I challenge you to speak out. Be a witness of your testimony and SHARE it. Cause Christ is coming, and we got to have a sure foundation, and have to help everyone come unto Christ too. 

Also funny story, but we were biking, and the Sister missionaries in our area waved and honked at us, and we said hi and then like 2 cars later someone gave us a rude gesture for no reason. And it just made me laugh cause it was like two COMPLETELY different reactions within seconds of seeing us haha. And I hope that fella gets over what he's going through to make him wanna do that to us haha. 
But I love yall so much!! 
Hurrah for Israel!!

Elder Higginson

-the duo
-the first of my ragtag haircut jobs. Hope I don't get banned or something....
-this pic is from a while ago but it's me, my "father", and my "grandpa". That's just a thing you do with trainers. Who knows, maybe I'll make my grandpa, a great-grandfather before he leaves in 6 months. Jkjk....but who knows.
-the first of my ragtag haircut jobs. Hope I don't get banned or something....


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