Crashing Bikes and Saving Souls

Howdy Y'all!!
Well, Texas is still going amazing. I LOVE my mission. And there are so many great things that I get to be a part of. What truly makes me love my mission, though, is seeing the spirit fill these people we talk to. Their eyes light up and man, it is so cool seeing them understand and get excited about this amazing message I get to offer them. And if any of yall are planning on serving a mission, seeing that makes it allll worth it, and I've only been out a transfer. 

This week I've been working really hard on my teaching. I had an exchange with my district leader and learned so much! Like writing down questions to make people think and be involved with their own understanding and learning. The best question I've found is: "How have you come to know that the Bible is true and the word of God?" Cause then you follow up with, "Okay, apply that to reading the Book of Mormon. Also, praying about the BoM is great, but they still need to read read read. Like you should be feeling the Spirit and the power of God when you take time to read it and ponder it. If you don't, then you pray.

SO I UHH CRASHED MY BIKE. Basically, I turned to go up a short steep lip of a sidewalk, but I didn't go at a sharp enough angle and my front tire started skidding across it!! And then I turned more right, so I went up, but when I was going toward the lawn! And I was cruising at like 12mph--so a decent speed--and I overcorrected and started heading right for a mailbox. I was OUT OF CONTROL. And I don't know what really happened, but I didn't want to hit that mailbox, so I threw myself off onto the cement sidewalk into a dive roll kinda and literally found myself sitting up. And I was legitimately perfectly fine. Like WUT. My hand was scraped but I wasn't even sore or anything! And I knew that angels must be watching over me cause I should have gotten pretty hurt from that. Though I think God wanted me to keep safe that day since we had a bunch of lessons after the crash that went super well and were powerfu,l and we even put our friend on date to be baptized!! Which was awesome, haha!

Also, on that one exchange, there was a super awesome experience. There is this guy named Fred and he's only met with missionaries once. And he basically tried to drop us, but Elder Updike like, nah not happening and started talking about gaining knowledge and truth and how you can get that in the Book of Mormon. So we went into the intro of the Book of Mormon and put it into really plain and simple terms. And we kept saying that you need to read the Book of Mormon to know it's true for yourself. Then toward the end, Elder Updike, the goat himself, was prompted to extend a Baptismal invitation and went along the lines of, "if you come to the realization that the BoM is true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet, will you be baptized into God's true restored church on the earth?" And he was like "Yes," (After he said he's been baptized 6 times so why not add one more haha). So he went from trying to drop us, to accepting to be baptized if he feels it's true! Which is more than likely cause, I is true! 

I HAD THE BEST LESSON YET. But I've only been been out 2 months so who am I....but yeah it was sweet. This guy has this property that he donated to his church and he's really into teaching youth how to grow crops and raise cattle. So that's all on this property and he just has a super strong testimony and faith. He was really interested in what we talked about and said that all of us have gifts and he has the gift of discernment and could tell that we are a light to the world and hopes we can share to as many people as we can about Jesus Christ and have pure hearts. Which made me feel so good. We shared the restoration and he seemed very interested in the Book of mormon. Said he needed this book cause he needs guidance right now. The spirit was very very strong through the whole experience and he said that he felt it and that we made his whole week for him. Which is just cute, haha. Made mine too. Then he showed us his basically garden of eden backyard. We said we would love to help him with his cattle and do service, and he was touched by that. And we said we are free to come over anytime!
That's about it y'all! Till the next time.
Hurrah for Israel!!!

Elder Higginson

-Curb gang
-Garden of Eden with multiple ponds 
-just me appreciating the sky:)
-pano view cause it's sweet


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