Parting the Baptismal Sea

 We had 4 baptisms this past week! Twin girls, a 16 year old, and a man named Jesse. There was a 5th for a young girl named Serenity that the Sisters were teaching, and her grandma asked me to baptize and confirm her which was also cool!

Spiritual Thought:
Jesse was the coolest. He was found exactly 1 month from when I found him on an exchange in my area. We just had gotten out of a lesson and were driving down the same street to do some stop bys. I looked over and saw a man outside by the side of his house. And I had the SOFTEST of thoughts to stop the car and talk to him. So we stopped, and I was like, oh, let's respond to some texts. 5 min later, I'm like, hmmm, I wonder if he's still there, and I felt like I might as well cause we had stopped for him, so we decided to check. BOOM--fast forward, and I'm baptizing the most elect man I've ever taught, and he is baptizing his mom next week. His testimony is so so strong, and he's so smart and normal! 

I was praying a little bit later and thinking about Jesse, and the prompting I received to stop didn't even feel like a prompting. It was just a CASUAL thought. If I wasn't saying my prayers, if I wasn't comfortable stopping our car to talk to people, if I wasn't looking at my surroundings, if I wasn't keeping my covenants, if I wasn't listening to the Spirit mid conversation with my comp, if I wasn't in tune with the Spirit and acting on random thoughts, if I assumed that he had gone inside, if God didn't trust me, THEN I WOULD HAVE MISSED HIM. Doing each and all of those things were needed to allow a man and his mom make Sacred Covenants with God. I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father helping me become the missionary I am to do this great work. A few transfers ago, I would have missed him, but I'm more ready now than I've ever been. 

Moving on:
-did a foodbank and handled some DISGUSTING moldy, rotting potatoes and that were squirming with maggots. Those potatoes were DEFINITELY not from Idaho, lol. We grow them pure!

- had an epic exchange with a Elder from Idaho, he is so cool and we had a great exchange. He is in his first transfer. He is super spiritual. A big focus was on prayer and he told me that the Spirit he felt with me was just a different level than his companion. It was noticeable for him. I told him to find out why (his current comp is good, but pretty trunky and has his struggles). We saw a man drive into his house down the street with a gate and I was like, welp, this is the only time we'd be able to talk to this man, so lets talk to him. He turned out to be really cool, his aunt and uncle are members! Elder Murray told me if I didn't walk over, he would have because he received a very strong prompting to talk to him. It's so sweet knowing you and your companion are both receiving revelation from the Spirit. 

-transfers: I'm going to South Zone as a ZL! Covering the Air Force military base where EVERY person joining the air force will go to Basic training. And we get to teach a class there. So let me know, if y'all are going to basic so I can see you and support you everyway I can!


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