
 Wild week! Lackland is SWEET!! (Dallin was transferred to Lackland Air Force base.)

My new companion is legendary, I love him. He's so cool and man, he's got STYLE. Such a stud. He's so funny. We have started doing pushups every night.  Gotta get big before home;) Jkjk, but yeah! This area already had 3 friends on date when I came in, which was strong. Not super what I've been super used to, haha. 

There is a building in our stake that got vandalized yesterday. Almost all the windows and doors are broken in. Super sad, now there is OSB in their place. Whoever did it is lucky that Jesus died for every sin, cause BOY he would be in trouble otherwise....still might be if he never sincerely repents. But God isn't going to let that stop His great and marvelous work from going forward. 

Base was SO COOL!! The spirit is next level in there. There were so many nonmembers there who either were invited or just showed up. IMAGINE IF THAT HAPPENED IN LIKE REAL LIFE. Like members inviting friends to church and them actually coming? The military is a special place. Way cool though. We taught a bunch of returned missionaries with their nonmember friends the Plan of Salvation. Way strong, best fellowship ever, hahahahaha. 

When we left base, we got changed, and my companion accidentally left his shoes on the pavement at base and ran over them as we went to dinner. Halfway there we realized we forgot them! But we still needed to get to dinner so he walked up in just his socks, lol. 

Hurrah for Israel!

- Elder Higginson


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