A Man with a Machete๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ—ก

So glad y'all are back again to listen to your beloved Elder in the hood of San Antonio.

Man, life is just crazy! I feel like there has been an influx of people on substances this past week. Saw someone shooting something up their forearm, multiple people tweeking (like not having good control of their body movements and shaking) walking on the side of the road, and giving pictures of Jesus to men who are HIGH out of their minds๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ We were teaching a lesson at some ghetto apts (that's where missionaries get stuck because it can be a black hole of people hearing messages but never being able to keep commitments) and I casually looked over to see a sketchy man on his rusty bike with a longggg machete hanging by his side in his hand. I casually looked back and continued teaching this brother cause I aint scared, I got God on my side

Anyways no time! Love y'all
Hurrah for Israel!

- Elder Higginson

From Dallin's Mom--Dallin must have spent all his spare time talking to his folks and didn't write about the 5 baptisms he has coming up this Saturday! The Lord is preparing hearts and gathering Israel, and our faithful missionaries are right in the middle of the action. Looking forward to great pictures next week!



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