
Showing posts from May, 2024


  Wild week! Lackland is SWEET!! (Dallin was transferred to Lackland Air Force base.) My new companion is legendary, I love him. He's so cool and man, he's got STYLE. Such a stud. He's so funny. We have started doing pushups every night.  Gotta get big before home;) Jkjk, but yeah! This area already had 3 friends on date when I came in, which was strong. Not super what I've been super used to, haha.  There is a building in our stake that got vandalized yesterday. Almost all the windows and doors are broken in. Super sad, now there is OSB in their place. Whoever did it is lucky that Jesus died for every sin, cause BOY he would be in trouble otherwise....still might be if he never sincerely repents. But God isn't going to let that stop His great and marvelous work from going forward.  Base was SO COOL!! The spirit is next level in there. There were so many nonmembers there who either were invited or just showed up. IMAGINE IF THAT HAPPENED IN LIKE REAL LIFE. Like memb

Parting the Baptismal Sea

  We had 4 baptisms this past week! Twin girls, a 16 year old, and a man named Jesse. There was a 5th for a young girl named Serenity that the Sisters were teaching, and her grandma asked me to baptize and confirm her which was also cool! Spiritual Thought: Jesse was the coolest. He was found exactly 1 month from when I found him on an exchange in my area. We just had gotten out of a lesson and were driving down the same street to do some stop bys. I looked over and saw a man outside by the side of his house. And I had the SOFTEST of thoughts to stop the car and talk to him. So we stopped, and I was like, oh, let's respond to some texts. 5 min later, I'm like, hmmm, I wonder if he's still there, and I felt like I might as well cause we had stopped for him, so we decided to check. BOOM--fast forward, and I'm baptizing the most elect man I've ever taught, and he is baptizing his mom next week. His testimony is so so strong, and he's so smart and normal!  I was pra

A Man with a Machete😅🗡

So glad y'all are back again to listen to your beloved Elder in the hood of San Antonio. Man, life is just crazy! I feel like there has been an influx of people on substances this past week. Saw someone shooting something up their forearm, multiple people tweeking (like not having good control of their body movements and shaking) walking on the side of the road, and giving pictures of Jesus to men who are HIGH out of their minds  We were teaching a lesson at some ghetto apts (that's where missionaries get stuck because it can be a black hole of people hearing messages but never being able to keep commitments) and I casually looked over to see a sketchy man on his rusty bike with a longggg machete hanging by his side in his hand. I casually looked back and continued teaching this brother cause I aint scared, I got God on my side Anyways no time! Love y'all Hurrah for Israel! - Elder Higginson From Dallin's Mom--Dallin must have spent all his spare time talking to his fol

A truck doing a barrel roll

  I saw a CRAZY wreck while teaching a random family outside. We were out street contacting and asked to share a 5 min message with a large family! Taught them that Jesus walked on water and why we need to focus on him. The kids were all engaged and then.....BAM!!!! WE SEE A TRUCK SKIDDING INTO A BARREL ROLL. A car ran a stop sign in front of a trunk which SMASHED into it. Saw the F-150 truck crash and flip and do a barrel roll, and it was like 100 feet from me. I threw off my bag and ran to the truck. I was the first one there, and I couldn't see how many were inside because of the airbags. The truck was UPSIDE DOWN. I tried opening the front door, but it was stuck and then a bunch more people got there. A man told anyone inside to get away from the glass and tried to smash her window open, and then a person opened the side door and pulled a lady out. She wasn't too hurt. Which is a MIRACLE. She was the only one inside. The other car was smashed in the front, but the driver ra