A truck doing a barrel roll

 I saw a CRAZY wreck while teaching a random family outside.

We were out street contacting and asked to share a 5 min message with a large family! Taught them that Jesus walked on water and why we need to focus on him. The kids were all engaged and then.....BAM!!!!


A car ran a stop sign in front of a trunk which SMASHED into it. Saw the F-150 truck crash and flip and do a barrel roll, and it was like 100 feet from me. I threw off my bag and ran to the truck. I was the first one there, and I couldn't see how many were inside because of the airbags. The truck was UPSIDE DOWN. I tried opening the front door, but it was stuck and then a bunch more people got there. A man told anyone inside to get away from the glass and tried to smash her window open, and then a person opened the side door and pulled a lady out. She wasn't too hurt. Which is a MIRACLE. She was the only one inside. The other car was smashed in the front, but the driver ran away. We found evidence of drunk driving. I prayed with the lady. Her name is Alma, haha. Queen.

Had MLC this week. It's usually a very cool experience, and what was special is how it all comes together in the end. That the Spirit knows what we should focus on and inspires so many of us at the same time to get it right. The focus this month is "more purpose in prayer," and man, I am so excited. It really connected very well, and before MLC, President Fitzgerald told an Elder that it needed to be on prayer, and so it was!. Cool

Spiritual Thought
Had an AMAZING exchange with Elder Horne. I love this Elder SO MUCH. He came to the 10th ward, and we ran through the town. He was so humble and desired to be so much more. The Spirit was really strong, and we had a conversation about SINCERITY. 

How does one be sincere??? It's a big question.

For some, it's when life comes their way.
 Life experiences that bring it. Hard days, great days, spiritual days.

For others, it's putting in work. Your own work.

I think if someone wants to be more sincere, putting in the effort that someone who IS sincere would do, creates more sincerity in your heart. It almost proves it to your mind and heart as you put forth that effort. And if you don't want to put in the effort to do the actions that a sincere person would do, then well you obviously don't want to be sincere in that aspect.

There are many important things that one can and needs to be sincere about. The most important is truly having faith in Jesus Christ and being sincere in your effort to use the Atonement. That is how it can work in your life. So let it! Be sincere. 

Hurrah for Israel!

-Elder Higginson 


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