Thirsty and Dreams?

Truly prayer has power, and it's really awesome cause our friend Randy prayed about covenants and baptism! And we texted him and he had felt the Spirit! When we met up, we asked again about his prayer, and he asked, "Do you want to tell y'all about my prayer or my dream?" And we like, "What dream?! Tell us about that!" and then he told us about the night he prayed, he had a dream that he was with God and made covenants with Him and woke up knowing that was what he needed to do. I pulled out my bible, and we read Acts 2:17 

"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:"
I told him he was a fulfillment of prophecy, which was a very cool thing. Put him on date for May 18th. And he came to church on Sunday, too!

Also met a really cool man named Jesse and his mom. He's also praying about making covenants with God and wants to!!!! WHICH IS AWESOME. He is so accountable and has great comprehension (enough that he translates after we leave what we say to his really really old mom). Sadly, he didn't come to church because he had to do a favor for his friend, but he promised he would be there this coming Sunday. So fingers crossed!

LASTLY, we had some good ole' 10th ward activity. Meaning we had some hood and ghetto activity. 
- there was a man at church who we didn't know. We walked up to him before church started and tried talking to him. He had the crazy eyes if you know what I mean. He said he was just here for mass, and we asked his name, and he said "Thirsty". And I was like, "Oh yeah, we have drinking fountains in the back!" And he's like, "No, I'm Thirsty! And I'm done conversing. I just want to meditate.
THEN he was causing quite a ruckus during sacrament and was muttering and then swearing at the young men passing the sacrament and it was enough that he had to be escorted out. As he was walking out he pulled out a METH PIPE, too. So you knowwww he was on the good stuff, haha. Anyways, the area couldn't be better! Love it here. Seeing loads of fruits of our labors. 

Spiritual Thought:
We gave a training on bearing Testimonies for a district in the Zone. A pure and simple Testimony is a powerful tool. It doesn't matter how eloquent you speak, nor the length of time you take. When you truly speak from the heart and sincerely testify of the simple truths you hold dear, the Spirit comes in and leaves a remarkable impression on the hearts of everyone present. I love bearing testimony and invite y'all to share yours whether in word or action. 

Hurrah for Israel!


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