Staying....for a 4th again

 Hey y'all! General Conference was legendary. Spot on:)

We had transfer news, and I'm staying for a 4th in downtown San Antonio. My companion, Elder Kendall left our area after one transfer and I stayed. I guess God still needs me to find someone....or like 10. Which means I better keep grinding and finding!!

Elder Cotter, who is my homi, is leaving to his ordinal assignment in Mexico and I'm going to MISS HIM. He left his LUXURIOUS weighted blanket. #blessed

A lot of our General Conference plans fell through:( EXCEPT!! We had a 15 year old get dropped off and WOAH, he was very attentive for TWO HOURS to the broadcast. He paid better attention than me!! Said he liked it! We asked how his BoM reading has been and he literally said "It's been fruitful" Like HUH?!?! KING. 

Spiritual Thought
I loved the talk about Spiritual Rays. I've truly had so many experiences where I saw and felt God in my life. It was something you could physically FEEL. But I can't dadgum REMEMBER so many of them. The little miracles when we set goals and they came to pass, or the priesthood blessings, the sacrament meetings, the baptisms, the lessons, and when God HEARD MY PRAYERS when I felt I was working all alone. I HAVE LOST OR WILL LOSE THESE MOMENTS if they are not recorded. So!!! I am now making a list of Spiritual Rays so together they can become like that Pillar of Light that Joseph Smith saw. I then will be able to bear my testimony alongside his that, "I knew it, and I knew God knew it, and I could not deny it." 

This Church is true, the Book of Mormon is the word of God, families can be together forever, President Nelson is a prophet, and I can become who God needs me to be by using the greatest gift of all time and eternity. The Atonement of my personal Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

-Elder Higginson


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