Twins on date

 We got a super awesome family to church!! They LOVED it! It's 2 girls, a son, and a mom. We are meeting with them again tonight, but they are elect. The girls loved primary and were so happy to be at church. They have a difficult situation going on in their family so it provided some needed peace in their lives and took their minds off of it. 

We also have started teaching a part member family and their twin girls. They are precious, and they want to be baptized on their 10th birthday. Their grandpa is active and takes them to church. We taught them a couple times, and the first was on keeping the Sabbath day holy. One of the precious girls shared how one time they went fishing with their nonmember mom instead of going to church, and she felt sad. She realized it was the Spirit! I was on exchanges with Elder Wood, so we sang an impromptu "Reverence is Love". It was really cool

A ton of our recent converts also got callings. Ramiro and Saul are Sunday school teachers and Josie is a primary teacher! They are such studs!

Spiritual Thought:
Had an exchange with an old companion. It's been a year since we've been together. I'm so impressed with Elder Wood--we had an amazing exchange. Received some clarity regarding myself and realized I've become a lot more self-aware in regard to my emotions, actions, and, most importantly, the Spirit in my own heart and mind. It took him pointing it out for me to realize the change in my life. I truly counsel with the lord a lot more than I did a year ago with Elder Wood, and I've seen the miracles from it. I have been changed by the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and I am so different than how I used to be. Truly am grateful for this fresh perspective and the knowledge that I really am becoming more Christlike bit by bit. That I haven't stopped progressing. And it's the same for all of you! Look inside yourselves and analyze your heart and mind throughout your day. I promise you will find out more about yourself than you currently know and that you will see what God sees just a little better. 

Ran to the Alamo from our apt with Elder Wood. It was so legendary!!

Hurrah for Israel!

-Elder Higginson


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