New Comp, who dis?

We had transfers this week. Still in SA 10th ward. And Elder Kendall is my new companion!! We were roommates for 3 transfers in my last area. He's a Spanish elder in an English area. Lucky for him, it's the most Spanish/English area in the mission, haha. 

Elder Scott said goodbye to our friends and recent converts. It was really cool to see the impact he had on them and they had on him. Particularly the Rico family. Elder Scott is literally part of the dad's testimony. So he's probably going to take it hard seeing him go. 

Temple tour:
Gave a temple tour to a member and his fiancé which was cool! Hopefully, they can get married soon so we can baptize her. She knows it's the only thing holding her back. But the peace in the temple was just so nice. Hmmp! I just want to go back!!

Spiritual thought:
At MLC I was asked to give a training on how i find satisfaction and fulfillment in being a missionary and a ZL. And I realized that I didn't really know why I was happy at first. But then I realized that it all boiled down to one thing. HOPE. In the PMG it defines hope as more than wishful thinking. It's an ABIDING CONFIDENCE that God WILL fulfill his promises to you. And God has made A LOT of promises to us. Field is white, God is with us, the Spirit to being with us and testifying of our words, the atonement and being forgiven, eternal life, resurrection, etc. One of the greatest of these is that all of our hard times give us experience and will BE FOR OUR GOOD. What a blessing and perspective! 

And that is why I find satisfaction in my labors. That is how I come home fulfilled. Cause I have hope in God's promises to me that are available EVERYDAY. And I KNOW they are real. Cause God HAS fulfilled His promises that He had made to me. And I have the opportunity to go on many exchanges where I can SHARE that hope with other missionaries. And they need it! They desperately need it at times. And it makes me so happy to be able to remind them of what to hope for.  

Hurrah for Israel!!

Elder Higginson


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