Man, Elder Stevenson pulled up. And I sang for him!

 What a stellar week! It was super cool having an Apostle (Elder Stevenson) talk to the whole mission. He was so funny and you could just tell he loved the missionaries. He went up, and I noticed how he put his arm over the elder's shoulders and just showed that he loved them. He was so personal, and the Spirit truly is his guide. He really affirmed that we are doing great stuff and headed in the right direction as a mission. So great job, President Fitzgerald!! Elder Kendall and I have been talking about the difference in the culture of the mission since we came to it, and it's so much better and so much more effective. It's truly glorious:) He shared how to make our promised blessings more intimate and desirable for our friends.

I also sang an acapella duet for him and the WHOLE MISSION. BOY, I WAS SCARED, HAHA. But it was like angels were singing with us and after, Elder Stevenson said, "Very well done!" It was quite special. The whole mission of being together was also very special. First time in 7 years! President Fitzgerald teared up when he saw us all. 

I prayed to know Elder Stevenson was an Apostle for real, and leading up to it, I wondered if I was going to have a unique spiritual experience. But when I arrived, I realized how selfish a motive that was and that God could tell me he's an Apostle by the same feeling I got when I prayed about the Book of Mormon. Why would I need any other way to know if something is true? And now I know he is an Apostle of God. 

Stake conference was pretty hard to get friends too, we'll be honest, but we tried! I sang in the choir and sight read it, haha. It went really well actually. The other singers had solos and everything. I also ran into the Evans family from my home Middleton ward at Stake conference visiting their daughter! 

Hurrah for Israel!


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