An Apostle of the Lord

 Elder Gary E. Stevenson is coming to San Antonio!! He's actually coming to our stake conference, but he's also meeting with our WHOLE mission!! (In two weeksl An apostle hasn't visited for 7 years so this is a big deal. I am so excited and can't wait to feel of his spirit! (We have hyped him up to our recent converts, and they are so excited lol) I'm hyped up, too haha.

'We had a Stake missionary work training that went great this week! Our stake president had everyone, including youth who are supposed to be in the ward huddle join, and it was super sweet! All of us were able to get on the same page and see how we can work more effectively together:)

-We had Zone Conference too. The Spirit was really strong there. We gave a training on CLEANING. Which when we found out, we were like MIDDDDDD, why cant we have the Sisters do it?;) But we humbled ourselves and put it together, and it worked out. We made a POV video, however my phone wouldn't connect to the TV, so the whole zone voted to squish together and watch it off my phone. It was legendary.

It was also cool that after we talked with the district leaders, our Zone decided that we wanted to make church attendance our goal this transfer, and then we found out that it was the mission goal, too! Revelation is like that!

Had an exchange with Elder Sant'Ana. He's from Brazil and then moved to Utah when he was 12. HE'S SO COOL! I was so impressed with him and he has a flaming strong testimony that he is not afraid to share. He's been out in the field for ONE WEEK. 

Spiritual Thought:
Something he did reminded me of a verse I read in first Nephi pn the day of our exchange. This verse was:

1 Nephi 7:17 But it came to pass that I prayed unto the Lord, saying: O Lord, according to my faith which is in thee, wilt thou deliver me from the hands of my brethren; yea, even give me strength that I may burst these bands with which I am bound.

And as we started this Elder's very first exchange, he prayed "....may we find someone who has a car and can come to church, and that we may see this miracle according to the faith which we have."
The Spirit was felt and I was humbled to spend the day with someone who was like unto Nephi. We had set a goal to find someone with a car (which literally should be a key indicator for conversion, lol), and in his prayer, he was specific, and he asked that it happen ACCORDING to our faith. He, like Nephi, was confident in his belief in God. That he would see miracles, and he ASKED God that it be accourding to our faith, rather than simply asking God. 

We can do the same, and I promise your own understanding of your faith will be made known unto you. You may see room for improvement in your faith. This is good. Do that which will build it. Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Higginson


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