
Showing posts from March, 2024

Man, Elder Stevenson pulled up. And I sang for him!

  What a stellar week! It was super cool having an Apostle (Elder Stevenson) talk to the whole mission. He was so funny and you could just tell he loved the missionaries. He went up, and I noticed how he put his arm over the elder's shoulders and just showed that he loved them. He was so personal, and the Spirit truly is his guide. He really affirmed that we are doing great stuff and headed in the right direction as a mission. So great job, President Fitzgerald!! Elder Kendall and I have been talking about the difference in the culture of the mission since we came to it, and it's so much better and so much more effective. It's truly glorious:) He shared how to make our promised blessings more intimate and desirable for our friends. I also sang an acapella duet for him and the WHOLE MISSION. BOY, I WAS SCARED, HAHA. But it was like angels were singing with us and after, Elder Stevenson said, "Very well done!" It was quite special. The whole mission of being togethe

Twins on date

  We got a super awesome family to church!! They LOVED it! It's 2 girls, a son, and a mom. We are meeting with them again tonight, but they are elect. The girls loved primary and were so happy to be at church. They have a difficult situation going on in their family so it provided some needed peace in their lives and took their minds off of it.  Twins: We also have started teaching a part member family and their twin girls. They are precious, and they want to be baptized on their 10th birthday. Their grandpa is active and takes them to church. We taught them a couple times, and the first was on keeping the Sabbath day holy. One of the precious girls shared how one time they went fishing with their nonmember mom instead of going to church, and she felt sad. She realized it was the Spirit! I was on exchanges with Elder Wood, so we sang an impromptu "Reverence is Love". It was really cool A ton of our recent converts also got callings. Ramiro and Saul are Sunday school teach

An Apostle of the Lord

  Elder Gary E. Stevenson is coming to San Antonio!! He's actually coming to our stake conference, but he's also meeting with our WHOLE mission!! (In two weeksl An apostle hasn't visited for 7 years so this is a big deal. I am so excited and can't wait to feel of his spirit! (We have hyped him up to our recent converts, and they are so excited lol) I'm hyped up, too haha. 'We had a Stake missionary work training that went great this week! Our stake president had everyone, including youth who are supposed to be in the ward huddle join, and it was super sweet! All of us were able to get on the same page and see how we can work more effectively together:) -We had Zone Conference too. The Spirit was really strong there. We gave a training on CLEANING. Which when we found out, we were like MIDDDDDD, why cant we have the Sisters do it?;) But we humbled ourselves and put it together, and it worked out. We made a POV video, however my phone wouldn't connect to the T

New Comp, who dis?

We had transfers this week. Still in SA 10th ward. And Elder Kendall is my new companion!! We were roommates for 3 transfers in my last area. He's a Spanish elder in an English area. Lucky for him, it's the most Spanish/English area in the mission, haha.  Elder Scott said goodbye to our friends and recent converts. It was really cool to see the impact he had on them and they had on him. Particularly the Rico family. Elder Scott is literally part of the dad's testimony. So he's probably going to take it hard seeing him go.  Temple tour: Gave a temple tour to a member and his fiancĂ© which was cool! Hopefully, they can get married soon so we can baptize her. She knows it's the only thing holding her back. But the peace in the temple was just so nice. Hmmp! I just want to go back!! Spiritual thought: At MLC I was asked to give a training on how i find satisfaction and fulfillment in being a missionary and a ZL. And I realized that I didn't really know why I was happ