Ralph Got Soaked

 Wild week!! Had 3 back to back to back exchanges. My poor comp wasn't in the area each time, and he felt so out of the loop afterward. Exchanges are awesome, though. I learn so much each time and see amazing miracles. Felt prompted to invite our friend to a lesson with another friend. So there were two nonmembers just fellowshipping one another. Pretty legendary, and the friend we had invited has a SUPER strong testimony (it was the brother I gave a blessing to a couple emails back), and he would be baptized if he was married, unfortunately. They bonded a ton, though.

Ralph got dunked!!! Super AMAZING. He cried in the font when he was baptized by his brother who's a recent convert of only 3 months. Super cool, and he just GLOWS now. Radiates joy. I confirmed him, it was really special, and he bore his testimony in front of the whole ward. Then, at church they did a musical testimony, which was awesome, spirit filled, and very unique!

At MLC this week, there was a training on setting specific goals. The reason for this was that exchanges with missionaries, there for some reason, seemed to be more miracles when with missionaries than normal. And the main difference is the emphasis on having area and unity goals for exchanges. When we pray, I've started praying for the spiritual gift of prophecy, which is something I've never done before because I never had a nonprideful reason to. Like I didn't want God to think I need a vision of the future. But now as i pray for that when I set goals, HOLY COW. I'm now praying for the clarity of setting a goal that God might already be planning for us to accomplish, however it means so much more cause we set a goal for it! Really cool stuff. I recommend y'all to set goals for yourselves this week. But make sure to set goals that God is willing to make happen rather than only what you want to happen. 

Hurrah for Israel!!
Elder Higginson 


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