My dad got hit by a car?!?

Phew!! What a week. 

It was crazy. I got a text on Wednesday that my Dad got hit by a car while riding his bike to work. I was like GASP. He fractured a bunch of bones on the right side of his face and sinus, but he's okay thanks to the miracles of God. Like seriously, God was watching over him. Me and my comp immediately started pouring out our hearts in prayer for my dad. And he's okay! Thank you Heavenly Father that I can still see him during my life on Earth:) God is such a legend for that, haha!

Spiritual thought:
My mind took an eternal perspective this week because of what happened with my dad. It's crazy how fast something can happen, and it really made me realize how much I cherish my family. Family is EVERYTHING. It's literally what makes Heaven, home. Truly makes a person "think Celestial" when an accident happens. We are truly blessed having the knowledge of God's plan--don't take advantage of it!!

Miracle lady:
Found a really cool lady who called us after we left a picture on her door! And we met and she was like, "I was praying a while ago, and God told me that he was going to send his people to me, and they were going to take me to church! So that's why I called the number!" (Fyi, we literally started putting cards in people's doors that very day, so legit miracle.) She came to church and liked it, and we are passing her off to the Sister Missionaries our next lesson!! The Sisters also baptized their friend who we found this last Saturday, so that's pretty cool. 

Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Higginson


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