Flooding the Font (Temple Font)

 Hey y'all! 

Doctrinal Debate:
We got into a debate with a really cool brother who has been indoctrinated by his dad (who's a returned missionary), so he doesn't believe that Joseph Smith is a prophet. BUT believes that the Book of Mormon is true. It was wild. He was bringing up Book of Mormon verses that supported his claims. I did the same cause he obviously believes it's a credible source and destroyed his argument of a universal priesthood after reading Mosiah 21 (he should have known how much I love doctrine, haha). He kinda blew it off cause that's all he could do with such irrefutable evidence of someone needing authority from God to baptize rather than being like, "Oh, I have faith--that gives me authority." He's super cool, though! He wants to take us to dinner, and he actually likes church, even though he doesn't believe in it all. 

Saw the man I baptized over a year ago! I was on an exchange in my first area, and BOY does he love Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, haha. He just preaches to everyone he meets about his joy in the Church. Might be slightly indoctrinated cause he asked if it's okay to watch the Chosen or read the Bible because it's not in the Book of Mormon.....I PROMISE I didn't do that y'all, he definitely knew the Bible was great when I baptized him....lol.

Temple trip:
It was so awesome going to the temple! 7 recent converts were there along with some support from the ward. They loved it! They were amazed by the beauty and Spirit of the Temple. It was awesome seeing them do baptisms for the first time (and slightly amusing seeing them learning how to baptize others, haha). They loved it, and all took photos afterward. I'm so grateful I've had so much experience going to the temple growing up, haha. So amazing!!

Baptism on the Horizon:
We have our absolute STUD of a friend named Ralph, who is going to be baptized this Saturday. He's counting the days, and his whole family are recent converts. It was their conversion and the change that happened in their lives that really shook him and caused him to change his life.

Baptism changes lives. It really does. As you honor and keep the covenants that you have made, that is what truly causes a change in your life. Because covenants have POWER. Covenants unlock the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ on a greater level than repentance. And repentance already has HUGE access to the Atonement. So choose to change y'all! Repent, and pray for the attributes of Christ. The PMG outlines their attributes specifically- Faith, hope, charity, integrity, virtue, patience, and diligence. 

Hurrah for Israel!!

-Elder Higginson


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