Ramiro gettin dunked!

RAMIRO GOT BAPTIZED!! It was great. The whole bishopric and elder's quorum presidency were all not able to make it, so the priest quorum first assistant was presiding. LEGENDARY. I guess that's how it goes in the hood....but he got baptized and wanted to cry. Then the following day, I gave him the gift of the Holy Ghost, and he bore his testimony ON THE PULPIT in front of the whole ward, PLUS allll the stake presidency cause it was ward conference. So cool. 

We also had a cool lesson downtown but we were unable to find free parking UNTIL we found a spot that said it was free for 30 min or we will get towed. It was also a few blocks away....so we booked it between these towering buildings. We ended up having a lesson on a real pretty porch that overlooked the river walk, which was such a cool atmosphere for a lesson. The whole place was straight out of a video game with how just rustic and old but cozy it all was. 
Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Higginson


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