Jose Manuel, Jr.

Story time:

While preparing to go out and tract, a man knocked on our window and asked us for a Book of Mormon. Reason why? Because the brother wanted to use it to roll blunts haha...asked him what he did with the last one, and he said I read it! But then sacrificed it to Jehovah. And we were like, so you used it all? And he's like, yes! (So the brother def used the paper for weed). Of course, we rejected the need for blunt paper, but to further prove his point, he proceeded to pray for us. During the prayer, he prayed to Jehovah God, yahway, Islam, father in heaven, that we would drive him to a local motel where we can talk more about You and then proceeded to close his prayer to God in HIS OWN NAME. Like in the name of Jose Manuel Jr, jehovah, and the eternal father, shalom. We were like, huh??? Brother thinks he's God. The Spirit literally was testifying of the level of blasphemy I was hearing, haha.... It was hilarious! I will always remember Jose Manuel Jr. We provided him with a copy under the condition that he DOES NOT SMOKE IT. 

Did a zone call on the importance of exercising faith in setting goals and actually having the motivation and intention to achieve them. It was valid.

Got to buck some hay on an exchange and learned about horses. Twas lit.

It's also 2024, soooo I guess I better make the most of the rest of my mission:)

Spiritual thought:
Read a verse from Ether 12 which talks about how Moroni told the people to repent so their blood isn't on his hands. This highlights an important doctrine. That when we choose NOT to call someone to repentance, their sin can come upon us. That NO, just because they have the agency to not follow God, does NOT mean we can just let them do whatever they want. We are obligated (and covenanted) to stand as a witness of Jesus Christ. Meaning we are to invite others to utilize the Atonement in their lives, including repentance, whether from major sins and disobedience to God, or inviting them to come to church and partake of the sacrament.  


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