
 Have I seen God's hand in my life? Yes, yes, I have. We are seeing member trust gaining a lot of momentum. Our friends we are baptizing are coming to church. Literally half of the Elders quorum are super recent converts that have been baptized in the last 5 months. Most of them in the past 2 months. And they are solid! They also participate more than the active members, haha. So we are just trying to keep the fire going. 

Cool Story:
I was grateful for my mission president, who let us call my dad in on lesson! It was really important, and I felt very impressed to call him. I was like, dang, should I actually do this? And the Spirit was like "yes". So we called him! Our friend was stressing out and had a bunch of seizure symptoms, and my dad was able to calm him down as he talked about his experience with epilepsy and how he still hasn't been healed, but he is still super happy and has such strong faith in Christ and talked about trusting God. Joe really was able to calm down knowing he's not alone, and it was really good for him. He was so impressed with my Dad and hasn't stopped talking about it. My dad, being the king he is, got our friend's info so he can stay in contact and answer his questions. 

We also put Joe's brother Ralph on date!! We are excited for him--he's pretty locked in. His whole family are all recent converts, and he's seen a remarkable change in all their lives and now he wants the same. Both him and Joe are really in tune and can recognize the Spirit. And he feels it a lot, and he's like man, I just feel so good when y'all are here!

-Gave ralph a priesthood blessing cause he was experiencing major pain for the last 2 weeks. The next day he was WAY better, and by the end of the day, the pain was only minor. Miracles of the priesthood!!

Spiritual thought:
There are many people who believe IN God. But relatively few believe God. 

What I'm trying to say is people see miracles all over. God truly loves His children and is working miracles in their lives. Which causes people to believe there is a God. However, I've seen a difference between believing and faith. Faith means TRUST too. And when God says He'll do something, you need to trust that He will! We tell believers all the time that God will specifically bless them if they put in the spiritual work required, and it's almost like they don't believe God will! They aren't willing to put all their cards on the table and give it all up to God. 

In the bible, Moses led the Hebrews STRAIGHT to the promised land, being led, fed, and nourished LITERALLY by God. They saw the Red Sea part!!!! They KNEW there was a God. However, when they saw the giants in the promised land, they feared them and couldn't believe God could defeat them. WHY?!?! Cause despite the miracles, they didn't believe God when He promised he can help them do all things.

Invitation: Ask yourself Do I believe God? Then put what's holding you back from being all in with God, on the alter of sacrifice. There is always something....
Hurrah for Israel!

-Elder Higginson 
Ramiro's baptism:

Joe is on the far right.


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