Dinner in the Sky

 Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This evening, I got to spend some time dining with some good Elders in the sky. We started with driving through the winding streets of downtown San Antonio (aka the stomping grounds of my area). Leaping out of the car we took a brisk walk toward the Tower of the the Americas. The wind was numbing our faces making our cheeks quite rosy. After a quick look at our time pieces, we upped our brisk walk to a quick jog. Opening the front lobby doors, hot air greeted us warmly. We checked in with our reservation and the elevator door pinged open. Walking in, it was unfortunately crowded with bodies. We were pressed against each other, seeking to look out the window as the elevator ascended up and up and up. The door opened, providing relief to the uncomfortable ride up. Smiling, we greeted the hostess and took our seat. Fine china surrounded us. The platform overlooked the entirety of San Antonio. Elegant buildings, magnificent churches, a towering skyline, and civilization as far as the eye could see was within our casual gaze. The platform itself rotated, providing us a grand view of our surroundings. I left a picture of Jesus on a window, with a hope that it will rotate to someone who needs it. We were the highest thing in the sky. Ordering our meal, we devoured toasted bread and chugged our free waters. The grub arrived, and we feasted with the highest of manners. Licking our lips, we left a humble tip for our waitress, knowing we had a glorious time. The end. 

Transfers are this week. I'm excited to see who comes into the zone so I can bully them into becoming amazing missionaries;)

Spiritual thought: prayer has POWER. It really does. This week, I've focused on how I can say more sincere prayers. I started with the question of HOW I can pray with ALL my HEART. It's a good question, right? How.... The thing that stood out to me most was a verse that Elder Loveridge shared with me on our exchange:

3 Nephi 19:24 And it came to pass that when Jesus had thus prayed unto the Father, he came unto his disciples, and behold, they did still continue, without ceasing, to pray unto him; and they did not multiply many words, for it was given unto them what they should pray, and they were filled with desire.

They had prayed for a SUPER long time, yet they didn't run out of words to say! Because the words were GIVEN to them BY the Spirit. And God wants to bless us with a multitude of blessings, but in order to receive them, we need to ask for the RIGHT blessings! So in order to do that, try to pray for what God wants you to pray for. Ask the Spirit to have you ask for the right things. It's a matter of being in tune with God and becoming a vessel of His Will. So, with your prayers this week, seek to pray to ask for the right things. Love y'all!!

Hurrah for Israel!!

-Elder Higginson


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