
 We led a sweet zone call about baptism and how we need our friends to know that is our goal that we're striving for them. That we should be bold with our invitations and prepared for their reactions. For some reason I've talked to 3 people this week who haven't been baptized before (which is crazy for being in the bible belt!!), and we never would have known if we didn't help our friends understand the ultimate blessings of baptism. Talked about every lesson to bring it up so they aren't surprised when we invite them to be baptized and make a glorious covenant with God. Something that will bring them peace, hope, and comfort. And now the zone is having some good results from it!

Also had an exchange in a biking area. It was legendary!! Expect for the part when it rained most of the exchange. The Elder had gotten into a car accident, so they had to use bikes for a week in a MASSIVE area. So we biked A LOT. And I LOVED IT. However due to the rain and mud and puddles, my white shirt and tan pants were stained with all the mud. (Like I had been in a mudslide) NOT IDEAL. But we put a brother on date in their area though, and it worked out nicely. 

Spiritual Story/thought: We had an incredibly solid media referral this week. We met with him and he talked about the struggles and trauma he has had, but spoke of a time when he felt the Spirit and seemed to long for it. We talked about how we can receive peace through sincere repentance. How it's repentance that allows the Atonement of Jesus Christ to take effect. 

-Helaman 5:11 "And he hath power given unto him from the Father to redeem them from their sins because of repentance; therefore he hath sent his angels to declare the tidings of the conditions of repentance, which bringeth unto the power of the Redeemer, unto the salvation of their souls."

Repentance is a GIFT. It is HOW we can live with God again. And is so vital to everything we do. That baptism doesn't actually wash away sins. Those sins should already have been repented of. Baptism more like sanctifies you and solidifies that repentance. Plus, it binds you eternally to God. However, it's REPENTANCE that allows us to utilize that INFINITE sacrifice of Jesus Christ, whose agony and suffering was so great that even God trembled because of pain and bled at every pore. Use his gift. Repent and be cleansed by the blood of Christ. 

Then to finish the story we brought up the Book of Mormon and invited him to read it, as well as brought up Baptism and he hasn't been baptized but was asked about it! (So HYPE). Next lesson comes, and he tells us how much he loves the Book of Mormon. That he feels so much peace and is able to sleep at night since reading from it. Already is at 1 Nephi 19 and still is cruising!! Our jaws dropped, and we put him on date to be baptized January 20th. It was awesome. He wants to be a missionary like us and he came to church!!


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