Ghetto Paradise! (Transfer News)

 Hey yall!!! Sooooooo, transfers happened, and I said goodbye to my trainie who is now a full fledged Elder in the TSAM. I am now in the most ghetto ward in the mission, haha. There's hundreds of inactives, tons of homeless folk, druggies, gangsters, and man I couldn't be happier!! So PUMPED

My comp is Elder Scott. He's a king. The Elder has been out for a little more than a year. He's a tank. Such a good teacher and really is not scared to be bold with folk. Gotta give some people the refiners fire.

Oh yeah, I'm also a Zone Leader now so that's cool! Its over the Pecan Valley Stake, and it's epic, got a lot of great missionaries. It's the biggest zone in the mission too, so hopefully I can strengthen and be an example for all these missionaries. 

I came in and my companion is like sooooo we need to plan a baptism andddd a wedding this Saturday. I was like WOAH!! and two days later, I was putting it all on. Joe and Josie got married and then they were baptized along with their brother Jose. We then put one of the folks' brother on date for Dec 23rd! Way good. His name is Saul and he wants to be a missionary like us someday. Such a legend. 

Then at church we were asked to give a blessing to a lady. Her boyfriend was there. We talked to them and she said she was born in the church, and then we asked her boyfriend and he's like oh yeah I'm not a member. So we said our purpose and asked if he wanted to meet with us. And he's like, yeah, I'll give it a shot. And then we gave her a great blessing too:)

WARNING: This is deep doctrine. Idk if it's factual but the Spirit I felt says that it's at least close:)

SPIRITUAL THOUGHT: I"ve been really studying how we can access the Spirit in greater capacity. And the biggest sources of that is faith, the priesthood, temple work, and I think most powerfully the covenants we make, particularly the law of Consecration and what it means to live it. Read a great talk called Consecrate thy Performance and I was pondering it. And I realized that we can gain a lot of power from covenants and that power is unlocked with following each and every aspect of our promises. The better we follow and live up to them, the more power we receive. What got me thinking about this is how obedience to the standards give us power. Of course, I believe that they do, but i wanted to know the WHY. And God, in his infinite wisdom, gave us the LAW OF CONSECRATION. A law that asks for CONSTANT and CONSISTENT effort to follow God. And with the standards, obviously they been given to us by God's prophet, but when we follow them we are able to better HONOR that covenant we have made and give a diligent effort to follow God's will. With that, God's power is unlocked for us, and we are better able to see God's will in the lives of our friends because we are already trying to follow God's will in regard to the standards. So for y'all, look for ways that YOU can give a more consistent effort to God, and you will SEE how God can work THROUGH you to bless others.



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