Dug Myself Into A Hole

 Wassupp y'all! Probably had my last week in this area. It's my 4th here, and it's my second with Elder Elkins....but I'm doing what I can to make sure I made a good impact here. 

We did service at a foodpark and dug a 3.5 foot hole for a telephone poll. It was hypeee cause the ground was hard and rocky, but we pushed through haha. Then we climbed in and took pictures. Literally dug myself into a hole. Can't complain, it was a fun service project. 

Had an awesome dinner message with a family in one of our wards. The dad took us aside and said that his family needed help with faith and we then proceeded to have an amazing, beautiful impromptu lesson on faith. We testified and read some scriptures and then Elder Elkins shared his experience with faith and BOOM the Spirit was thick in the room. It was so cool and you could FEEL it. And they could too. It was legit.

We had Zone conference and Elder Schmuttz came. He's the area president. And what really was impressed upon me both before ZC when I was preparing, and during ZC was how I can teach repentance in a better way. A way that I can show or inspire or simply just testify of.


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