
Showing posts from December, 2023


  Crazy week. The beginning feels like ages ago, but it went so quick. Finding is crazy, went knocking and found 6 people....idk how strong they will be though.  -Saw a insane hit and run by some hood teenagers.  -Then had an awesome experience with our friend Saul who was baptized and confirmed on his birthday. He was SO HAPPY. Literally filled with joy, his face just glowed, which was cool, cause he's a quiet fellow -pretty sure we heard an uzi when in the hood.  -my comp witnessed a drive-by when I was on exchanges.  -Zoe, a highly energetic girl from my last area got baptized this week as well:) -Then, my favorite 2 people I've had the pleasure of meeting and teaching got baptized as well!!! Love you Robert and MiKaela! On Christmas Eve, too.  -Gave Robert the Aaronic Priesthood too, and they all are moving to Alabama January 1st!! -Went to a BUSSING barbecue place with members -got such a nice sweater from my mom for Christmas -did a white elephant zone gift exchange, lol.


  We led a sweet zone call about baptism and how we need our friends to know that is our goal that we're striving for them. That we should be bold with our invitations and prepared for their reactions. For some reason I've talked to 3 people this week who haven't been baptized before (which is crazy for being in the bible belt!!), and we never would have known if we didn't help our friends understand the ultimate blessings of baptism. Talked about every lesson to bring it up so they aren't surprised when we invite them to be baptized and make a glorious covenant with God. Something that will bring them peace, hope, and comfort. And now the zone is having some good results from it! Also had an exchange in a biking area. It was legendary!! Expect for the part when it rained most of the exchange. The Elder had gotten into a car accident, so they had to use bikes for a week in a MASSIVE area. So we biked A LOT. And I LOVED IT. However due to the rain and mud and puddles

Ghetto Paradise! (Transfer News)

  Hey yall!!! Sooooooo, transfers happened, and I said goodbye to my trainie who is now a full fledged Elder in the TSAM. I am now in the most ghetto ward in the mission, haha. There's hundreds of inactives, tons of homeless folk, druggies, gangsters, and man I couldn't be happier!! So PUMPED My comp is Elder Scott. He's a king. The Elder has been out for a little more than a year. He's a tank. Such a good teacher and really is not scared to be bold with folk. Gotta give some people the refiners fire. Oh yeah, I'm also a Zone Leader now so that's cool! Its over the Pecan Valley Stake, and it's epic, got a lot of great missionaries. It's the biggest zone in the mission too, so hopefully I can strengthen and be an example for all these missionaries.  I came in and my companion is like sooooo we need to plan a baptism andddd a wedding this Saturday. I was like WOAH!! and two days later, I was putting it all on. Joe and Josie got married and then they were b

Dug Myself Into A Hole

  Wassupp y'all! Probably had my last week in this area. It's my 4th here, and it's my second with Elder Elkins....but I'm doing what I can to make sure I made a good impact here.  We did service at a foodpark and dug a 3.5 foot hole for a telephone poll. It was hypeee cause the ground was hard and rocky, but we pushed through haha. Then we climbed in and took pictures. Literally dug myself into a hole. Can't complain, it was a fun service project.  Had an awesome dinner message with a family in one of our wards. The dad took us aside and said that his family needed help with faith and we then proceeded to have an amazing, beautiful impromptu lesson on faith. We testified and read some scriptures and then Elder Elkins shared his experience with faith and BOOM the Spirit was thick in the room. It was so cool and you could FEEL it. And they could too. It was legit. We had Zone conference and Elder Schmuttz came. He's the area president. And what really was impress