More Details to Come

No time. Love y'all

We got Karigan baptized!! It went pretty great though we were disappointed at the turn out for 6th ward. We invited quite a few people and made lots of announcements and it literally was not a ton of people. We thought there was going to be tons of people cause lots confirmed. But other than that, it went well! Half the program members were sick, but we had backups, and it worked out great. (Dallin baptized Karigan, and his companion, Elder Elkins confirmed her since the member planning to do it was ill.)
We had a media referral turn out to be a basher, though we testified so powerfully that he started sweating and got cottonmouth sooo bad. And it was cool outside, so not way he felt the heat from outside. He must have felt the flame of our testimonies. Our testimonies came out so much stronger! 

-Elder Higginson  


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