Gift of Discernment (and Daisy)

 We had a BEAUTIFUL restoration lesson. We had President Fitzgerald with us because he gave a baptismal interview to Lillian. (She's going to be baptized this Saturday!!!!! We are PUMPED) and this was our first lesson with this lady. We had knocked on our door a couple days prior, instead of disappointment. And wow! The spirit was so strong. She's only been in the states for a few months and was looking for a church. Another immigrant from Africa, haha. They are elect! Anyway we started teaching and testifying, and she loved the ideas of modern prophets, and said they make so much sense and basically bore testimony of them. And then President Fitzgerald comes in and uses the gift of discernment and says, "This is what you've been waiting for and praying for. You have been searching, and God HEARD your prayers. He KNOWS you and ANSWERED you. It was POWERFUL!! She was like wow, you're right. She was blown away by what we taught and wanted to teach her two boys all that we had said and she wants to know more. Soooo stellar. We gave her a Book of Mormon and told her we wanted her to have this "gift" cause its so special. She was very touched.

We also totally unintentionally "rizzed" (basically your ability to attract girls) this 23-year-old girl named Daisy, and she was totally giving us hints, and it blew past me, lol. We shared a brief message about Christ's role in God's plan and she's like "can y'all do any anything else for me?? It is my birthday today, and I saw it as a sign that y'all are here". And I was like sure!! And shared some more scriptures lollllll. I've been a missionary for too long. We set up a lesson and said that two sister missionaries would be there too so they could start teaching her, and she said okay. When we texted to confirm, she apologized and was like yeah I don't plan on being religious, I just said yes cause y'all are cute. And we were like, bruhhhh. But also kinda hilarious. Now we know what it's like for the sister missionaries who get that a tonnnn. 

Solid week. We have had a decent amount of success with finding. We have been opening our mouths at every opportunity to all of God's Children, no matter how there dressed or what they are doing (there are a LOT of ummmm.... "working women" who aren't modest at all. The amount of pictures of Christ we are giving out is quite pleasing. And we are seeing some great results from it. Then, conference was amazing! The second to last talk answered my biggest concern I had and also is just a great talk on loving everyone despite what you hear or see, and trusting in the Lord and in His Spirit. It was blessed. Cause our friend Charlene has been crazy stressful, and I was doubting the Spirit I felt to keep working with her and all her lies and apparent 8 baptisms that she denies happened....(She moved to Austin!! We passed her off and gave the low down to the Elders over there). Also remember to always trust God! He and the Spirit know best. Don't go off what you see or hear but seek the counsel of the Spirit, and you will always make the right choice. 

Anyways, I hope y'all loved conference! Share what you loved or learned with others. Hurrah for Israel!!


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