Deer Skinning

 We got to skin deers and stripped them of all their meat and dropped off those carcasses into nice bins. It was legit. I had a blast and I got to do it with some of my favorite missionaries so y'all already know it twas a good time. (Dallin did this at a food bank where hunters donate their kill to those in need of food. The missionaries helped prepare the meat.)

Got to teach a lesson to a foreign exchange student who is living with members. It went great, and she's excited to start reading! She's already been coming to church and activities. Hype. 

We also had A trunk or treat. Y'all already know that we put on our ponchos and got kitted out with some ties. We were straight Nephites out of the Book of Mormon, and our members invited friends, so it was sweeeeet!

Karigan is gonna be baptized this Saturday! Prayers up!

No time. Hurrah for Israel


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