Ahhh, so the Parents are Alsooo Game....

 Fair enough

Supperrr great week. We found a couple super cool brothers who are legit and want to meet with us a lot. Don't think either are attached to a church so we'll get them soon. One was like, how often can we meet? And we were like uhhhh 2-3 times a week and he was down. He seems sweet and went to college so y'all know he maybe has good comprehension. Same with the other brother. 

Also Karigan's parents now want to be baptized, and they are locked in. I'm so excited. Her baptism is right after transfers, and I am doing stuff at Karigan's baptism, which is next transfer....so hopefully I stay. I also love training Elder Elkins. He is a king and I'm using my time to teach him the most I can. I hope I can finish up his training and prepare him fully for the rest of his mission. We have so many connections and our teaching in unity is getting better and better. We started a 40 day fast of ten things that are hindering our ability to feel and have the Spirit with us. Excited to see how it goes. I also haven't felt the Spirit as much as I have here, and I'm in the process of changing even more. Planning instead of scheduling works too. I literally look until I feel something, and I'm like RIGHT NOW WE'RE PULLING UP. 

We had an amazing lesson on Exchanges with this sweet brother, and Elder Kendall was with me. We made a goal to testify of Christ and tie him to every principle, and the Spirit was so strong. POWERFUL. That is what happens when you talk of Christ. The Spirit's literally main goal that gets stated over and over is to witness OF CHRIST. This is best written in 3 Nephi 11 toward the end. But if y'all want to share your testimony and have them feel something, talk/preach/rejoice/ prophecy of JESUS CHRIST. And they will FEEL IT. For real. It's been great. 

-Elder Higginson 


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