
Showing posts from October, 2023

More Details to Come

No time. Love y'all We got Karigan baptized!! It went pretty great though we were disappointed at the turn out for 6th ward. We invited quite a few people and made lots of announcements and it literally was not a ton of people. We thought there was going to be tons of people cause lots confirmed. But other than that, it went well! Half the program members were sick, but we had backups, and it worked out great. (Dallin baptized Karigan, and his companion, Elder Elkins confirmed her since the member planning to do it was ill.) We had a media referral turn out to be a basher, though we testified so powerfully that he started sweating and got cottonmouth sooo bad. And it was cool outside, so not way he felt the heat from outside. He must have felt the flame of our testimonies. Our testimonies came out so much stronger!  -Elder Higginson   

Deer Skinning

  We got to skin deers and stripped them of all their meat and dropped off those carcasses into nice bins. It was legit. I had a blast and I got to do it with some of my favorite missionaries so y'all already know it twas a good time. (Dallin did this at a food bank where hunters donate their kill to those in need of food. The missionaries helped prepare the meat.) Got to teach a lesson to a foreign exchange student who is living with members. It went great, and she's excited to start reading! She's already been coming to church and activities. Hype.  We also had A trunk or treat. Y'all already know that we put on our ponchos and got kitted out with some ties. We were straight Nephites out of the Book of Mormon, and our members invited friends, so it was sweeeeet! Karigan is gonna be baptized this Saturday! Prayers up! No time. Hurrah for Israel

Ahhh, so the Parents are Alsooo Game....

  Fair enough Supperrr great week. We found a couple super cool brothers who are legit and want to meet with us a lot. Don't think either are attached to a church so we'll get them soon. One was like, how often can we meet? And we were like uhhhh 2-3 times a week and he was down. He seems sweet and went to college so y'all know he maybe has good comprehension. Same with the other brother.  Also Karigan's parents now want to be baptized, and they are locked in. I'm so excited. Her baptism is right after transfers, and I am doing stuff at Karigan's baptism, which is next hopefully I stay. I also love training Elder Elkins. He is a king and I'm using my time to teach him the most I can. I hope I can finish up his training and prepare him fully for the rest of his mission. We have so many connections and our teaching in unity is getting better and better. We started a 40 day fast of ten things that are hindering our ability to feel and have the Sp

Baptism and Possessed Child

  HOLY MOLY OKAY OKAY OKAY. Wow, this week was wild. So many crazy experiences.  Lilian got baptized!! It went great, EXCEPT our key to the church wasn't working so we had some bike Elders come in clutch with their key. The Elders came at a perfect time to help us set up too cause she brought authentic African food so we had to set up the cultural hall too. It all worked out, though!! We had a family that we are working with come and they loved it. The daughter is on date, and we are working on the dad and mom right now:) Then on Sunday we had a Polynesian family throw leis on her and got her Confirmed!! HYPE, she was crying with happiness after, it was awesome.  OKAY OKAY OKAY POSSESSED PERSON TIME We got asked by the Talley Sisters (They are in my district) to give someone a blessing. Apparently, they didn't even know the family. We pull up to the house and there are a bunch of cars parked out front. And we were like huh, and knocked. A man answered the door and let us all in

Gift of Discernment (and Daisy)

 We had a BEAUTIFUL restoration lesson. We had President Fitzgerald with us because he gave a baptismal interview to Lillian. (She's going to be baptized this Saturday!!!!! We are PUMPED) and this was our first lesson with this lady. We had knocked on our door a couple days prior, instead of disappointment. And wow! The spirit was so strong. She's only been in the states for a few months and was looking for a church. Another immigrant from Africa, haha. They are elect! Anyway we started teaching and testifying, and she loved the ideas of modern prophets, and said they make so much sense and basically bore testimony of them. And then President Fitzgerald comes in and uses the gift of discernment and says, "This is what you've been waiting for and praying for. You have been searching, and God HEARD your prayers. He KNOWS you and ANSWERED you. It was POWERFUL!! She was like wow, you're right. She was blown away by what we taught and wanted to teach her two boys all th