
 Alright, so we got transfer news, and I'm going to be training a new missionary! I'm super pumped and praying I raise him right, haha!!! Just going to imbue all my wisdom and spiritual knowledge into the fleshy tables of this young humble missionary's heart. I'm also really looking forward to see what I learn from him and his fresh perspective to the work. Should be quite the great growing experience for both of us haha....I'll try to refrain myself from bullying him, just kidding....

Also been practicing my IB with an Elder Kendall. He's fluent. Basically, you add the sound ib in front of every vowel sound. So like if I said, "I love this mission" itd be " IbI libove thibis mibissibion". Its hilarious hahahahahahha to do to people who can't understand what your saying. It's pretty despicable lol. 

Our friend Nick PULLS UP TO CHURCH WITH A FRESH WHITE SHIRT AND TIE. This brother told us he bought a suit for his baptism! He's an absolute king. I love him. 

Also, Lilian came to church and brought the whole family! Her husband came, and he said he learned a lot and is looking forward to coming next week (LET'S GO!) and both he and the 15 year old, participated in the classes tooooo. Like wut, that's hype!

Spiritual thought: Don't ever pass up an opportunity to show the power of God. In Alma 17:29 Ammon rejoices at the chance to show his power to those he worked with that they may believe all of his words. He knew he had the power of God with him. He knew whom he served. And we have that same power too!!! And that power grows as we honor our covenants, read our scriptures, go to church, say loads of personal sincere prayers, and go to the temple. And this isn't just some run of the mill, 2nd grade power. This is the flipping POWER OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD. Doesn't get more powerful than that! And this is something we have. So use it! Don't hesitate;) otherwise, you might miss a chance to show others the power of God and lead them to believe in your words. 

Anyways, I love y'all so much. I'm sad to see my blind companion go but that's life. 

Hurrah for Israel!!

-Elder Higginson


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