Tism and Trio

 Hey y'all, a got news for yall....

Yeah, not really, life is just chilling. 

EXCEPT WE GOT A BAPTISM!!! LETS GO. Nick was baptized and confirmed this last weekend and I am so happy. He's a king, I love him dearly. I honestly felt like I didn't do much with Nick. He just kept keeping commitments, and I was like wow, I met you like 5 weeks ago, and you're being baptized. How the heck did this happen? Most people I teach are like pulling teeth to get them to do anything, but with him, I didn't even have to work as hard. Which was sooo nice, haha. Very good. 

Then I was in a trio for the week, which was a blast. Got to spend it with a trainer and trainee on their second transfer together, so I was learning a lot with how to prepare for my new companion. We found a....well actually we don't know what....but it's a taxidermied animal we found at the church dumpster. Y'all already know we snagged it and put it in our car, lol. It was a king move. For those of y'all cringing cause it was at a dumpster, we threw it away.....after taking some sweet pics with it in our apt, haha. We also are prepping Lilian for her baptism which will hopefully be this Friday! 

And then I got my trainie. He is so sweet. He's from California, likes to surf, do track, and is a stud. He's ready to work and get stuff done, which is awesome. He's making it so easy to train, I love it big time. Anyways, y'all have a great week, sorry no spiritual thought....God Bless and Hurrah for Israel!!

Elder Higginson

P.S. We named the animal Chester


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