Nick's Got the Power of God

 Nick got the Aaronic priesthood this Sunday!! It was so cool and awesome. He's an absolute king--I love him. It was a bit of a bummer though, because Charlene came to church and was complaining about not wanting to go to Relief Society, and so it took her a bit of time to just get her in there. She ended up having a great time there, but because she took so long, me and Elder Elkins missed being a part of the circle to give Nick the priesthood. But we got to watch it from the window outside!! But still slightly depressing, haha.

Training is awesome. Elder Elkins is a king, I love him. We have been teaching finding, practicing the first vision, haha. It's so fun just going back to the basics. We are getting a bit stressed with our deaf friend Charlene. She is a bit frustrating and it's just a bit draining being with her. She came to church from Austin cause she's up there for a few weeks, and she stayed for the linger-longer after church. Then we had a lesson, so we were just kinda babysitting for hours (we are just nervous to leave her alone). Like we had a lesson with her, and a an older member came too, and she got this tender grandpa's number, and he drove her to institute cause he's so kind, but now she's been calling and texting him a ton and saying that she's pregnant (when she's totally not) and asking for money. And this older couple has been taken advantage in the past, so they reached out to the relief society councilor for advice and she talked to us, and we told her what we've been dealing with. So it's just a bit crazy. However, the ward is just awesome. They are willing to help get her food or even furniture if she needs it, but when it comes to cash..... it's a no go. 

But we have seen miracles. Robert and his family came to church and loved it!! We had a primary program, and the Spirit was so STRONG. Lilian is ready to be baptized. We set up a temple trip with Nick. We got to give a priesthood blessing to a nice older lady who was a media referral. And we have General Conference coming up, so we are blessed. 

If someone was to ask me when I saw God's hand in my life, I would say EVERY SINGLE DAY. At Sacrament this week I was praying for charity and strength and peace with Charlene. And I really felt it. The Spirt is real, and God's love is real. I felt PEACE when I needed it, and I felt COMFORT when I was looking for it. Elder Elkins also quoted that this isn't our will, but God's will that we are doing. So now I'm focused on putting everything in God's hands and whatever happens, happens. We will just do our best to be good listeners to the Spirit. Hurrah for Israel!!

-Elder Higginson 


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